Medusa is one of the best known mythical creatures, a monster par excellence. Ancient literature transmits two versions of her story – a primordial being from pre-Olympian times (Hesiod, Theogony 270-285) and a young woman who was raped by Poseidon in Athena’s temple and punished by being transformed into a hideous beast for what the goddess presumed was a dreadful sacrilege (Ovid, Metamorphoses 4,753-803). Down through the millennia of classical reception, Medusa appeared mainly as a killing monster to be defeated by the hero on his “Campbellian” journey to glory (Campbell 2004). Then Hélène Cixous listened to her voice as that of a victim – with a particular focus on her womanhood – and made Medusa an icon for generations of women who suf...