FIGURES 1–11. Eurhadina dongwolensis sp. nov.: 1. Habitus. 2. Male adult, ventral view. 3. Forewing. 4. Hindwing 5. Aedeagus, caudal view. 6. Aedeagus, lateral view. 7. Male abdominal apodemes. 8. Connective. 9. Style. 10. Subgenital plate. 11. Pygofer lobe, lateral view. Scales: 1mm (Fig. 1–4), 0.1mm (Fig. 5–11).Published as part of Oh, Sumin, Lim, Jongok & Jung, Sunghoon, 2016, Zootaxa 4103 (1), DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4103.1.7,
FIGURES 75–82. K. strigicollis (Spinola) 75. Pygophore, lateral view; 76. Subgenital plate, ventral ...
FIGURE 1. Changa sita (DiStant, 1881) comb. nov., male, India: A–B, Holotype (The Natural HiStory Mu...
FIGURE 1. Changa sita (DiStant, 1881) comb. nov., male, India: A–B, Holotype (The Natural HiStory Mu...
FIGURES 1–8. Arboridia koreana sp. nov.: 1. Habitus. 3. Head. 5. Face. 7. Forewing. Arboridia septem...
FIGURES 1 – 8. Arboridia koreana sp. nov.: 1. Habitus. 3. Head. 5. Face. 7. Forewing. Arboridia sept...
FIGURES 31–34. E. (Empoasca) Zhang and Liu, 2011: 31. Dorsal habitus. 32. Head. 33. Face. 34. Latera...
FIGURES 27–34. Tautoneura polymitusa sp. nov.: 27. Aedeagus caudal view. 28. Aedeagus lateral view. ...
FIGURES 1−6. Rhodochlanis suaedicola sp. nov. 1. Head, dorsal view. 2. Forewing. 3. Antenna. 4. Hind...
FIGURES 61–74. Krisna rufimarginata Cai et He 61. Head and thorax, dorsal view; 62. Head and thorax,...
FIGURE 1. Kamendaka jejuensis sp. n., holotype. A. habitus, dorsal view; B. ditto, lateral view; C. ...
FIGURES 1–5. Habitus: 1. Tautoneura mori (Matsumura, 1906). 2. T. japonica (Dworakowska, 1972). 3. T...
FIGURES 1–15. 1–3, Eupteryx (Stacla) janeki Dworakowska. 1, habitus, dorsal view; 2, habitus, latera...
FIGURE 1. Dorsal habitus. A–F. Europiella: A. E. artemisiae. B. E. gilva. C. E. kiritshenkoi. D. E. ...
FIGURES 1–11. Ziczacella heptapotamica (Kusnezov, 1928): 1. Dorsal habitus. 2. Lateral habitus. 3. H...
FIGURE 6. Genital illustrations of Europiellomorpha. A–E. E. lividellus. A. Endosoma. B. Right param...
FIGURES 75–82. K. strigicollis (Spinola) 75. Pygophore, lateral view; 76. Subgenital plate, ventral ...
FIGURE 1. Changa sita (DiStant, 1881) comb. nov., male, India: A–B, Holotype (The Natural HiStory Mu...
FIGURE 1. Changa sita (DiStant, 1881) comb. nov., male, India: A–B, Holotype (The Natural HiStory Mu...
FIGURES 1–8. Arboridia koreana sp. nov.: 1. Habitus. 3. Head. 5. Face. 7. Forewing. Arboridia septem...
FIGURES 1 – 8. Arboridia koreana sp. nov.: 1. Habitus. 3. Head. 5. Face. 7. Forewing. Arboridia sept...
FIGURES 31–34. E. (Empoasca) Zhang and Liu, 2011: 31. Dorsal habitus. 32. Head. 33. Face. 34. Latera...
FIGURES 27–34. Tautoneura polymitusa sp. nov.: 27. Aedeagus caudal view. 28. Aedeagus lateral view. ...
FIGURES 1−6. Rhodochlanis suaedicola sp. nov. 1. Head, dorsal view. 2. Forewing. 3. Antenna. 4. Hind...
FIGURES 61–74. Krisna rufimarginata Cai et He 61. Head and thorax, dorsal view; 62. Head and thorax,...
FIGURE 1. Kamendaka jejuensis sp. n., holotype. A. habitus, dorsal view; B. ditto, lateral view; C. ...
FIGURES 1–5. Habitus: 1. Tautoneura mori (Matsumura, 1906). 2. T. japonica (Dworakowska, 1972). 3. T...
FIGURES 1–15. 1–3, Eupteryx (Stacla) janeki Dworakowska. 1, habitus, dorsal view; 2, habitus, latera...
FIGURE 1. Dorsal habitus. A–F. Europiella: A. E. artemisiae. B. E. gilva. C. E. kiritshenkoi. D. E. ...
FIGURES 1–11. Ziczacella heptapotamica (Kusnezov, 1928): 1. Dorsal habitus. 2. Lateral habitus. 3. H...
FIGURE 6. Genital illustrations of Europiellomorpha. A–E. E. lividellus. A. Endosoma. B. Right param...
FIGURES 75–82. K. strigicollis (Spinola) 75. Pygophore, lateral view; 76. Subgenital plate, ventral ...
FIGURE 1. Changa sita (DiStant, 1881) comb. nov., male, India: A–B, Holotype (The Natural HiStory Mu...
FIGURE 1. Changa sita (DiStant, 1881) comb. nov., male, India: A–B, Holotype (The Natural HiStory Mu...