A review was undertaken to obtain the related research results and facts on production, husbandry and sustainability of free-range poultry production systems in Ethiopia with the aim of delivering synthesized and summarized information to the beneficiaries. Poultry production has a major role in poverty alleviation by means of income generation and household food security. Free-range chicken production is characterized by low input and output scavenging, with minimal investment in housing, feeding, watering and health care, and hence weak biosecurity, high off take rates and high mortality rates. The production system in Ethiopia is extensive and dominated by indigenous chickens that exhibit remarkable adaptation to local environments. Gene...
This study was conducted in Jimma Horro District of Kellem Wollega Zone of Ethiopia to assess manage...
AbstractChicken production has a major role in the economy of developing countries and backyard prod...
The objective of this review paper was to investigate the current characteristics of chicken product...
The Ethiopian poultry population (chicken) is projected to be around 56.06 million, with indigenous,...
Related research results and facts of indigenous chicken production in and out of Tigray region were...
This review focused on the poultry production status, breed/ecotype characterization, genetic improv...
In Ethiopia, the agricultural sector is a corner stone of the economic and social life of the people...
This study reviews the exotic chicken status, production performance and constraints with the aim of...
Participatory rural appraisal (PRA), supported by checklists and intensive case studies on individua...
The study was conducted to determine productive performances, constraints, and opportunities of Bova...
Assessment of production and productivity of village chicken were conducted in two agro-ecology (mid...
This review gathered information about the reproduction and production performance of indigenous, ex...
Chicken production has a major role in the economy of developing countries and backyard production i...
In many developing countries like Ethiopia village poultry makes up a large part of the national pou...
The survey was conducted in Eastern Gojjam Zone of Amhara regional state, North Ethiopia from Januar...
This study was conducted in Jimma Horro District of Kellem Wollega Zone of Ethiopia to assess manage...
AbstractChicken production has a major role in the economy of developing countries and backyard prod...
The objective of this review paper was to investigate the current characteristics of chicken product...
The Ethiopian poultry population (chicken) is projected to be around 56.06 million, with indigenous,...
Related research results and facts of indigenous chicken production in and out of Tigray region were...
This review focused on the poultry production status, breed/ecotype characterization, genetic improv...
In Ethiopia, the agricultural sector is a corner stone of the economic and social life of the people...
This study reviews the exotic chicken status, production performance and constraints with the aim of...
Participatory rural appraisal (PRA), supported by checklists and intensive case studies on individua...
The study was conducted to determine productive performances, constraints, and opportunities of Bova...
Assessment of production and productivity of village chicken were conducted in two agro-ecology (mid...
This review gathered information about the reproduction and production performance of indigenous, ex...
Chicken production has a major role in the economy of developing countries and backyard production i...
In many developing countries like Ethiopia village poultry makes up a large part of the national pou...
The survey was conducted in Eastern Gojjam Zone of Amhara regional state, North Ethiopia from Januar...
This study was conducted in Jimma Horro District of Kellem Wollega Zone of Ethiopia to assess manage...
AbstractChicken production has a major role in the economy of developing countries and backyard prod...
The objective of this review paper was to investigate the current characteristics of chicken product...