Figure 5 Inflorescence architecture in Tradescantia subg. Austrotradescantia A malformed main florescence of T. cymbispatha, showing the subopposite cincinni B detail of the synflorescence of T. crassula, showing an axillary inflorescence composed of solitary cincinnus and a terminal with the typical double-cincinni with non-saccate cincinni bracts C–D inflorescence in T. decora C inflorescence composed of 4-cincinni, showing the spathaceous and supernumerary bracts D synflorescence, showing main florescences and coflorescences ranging from regular double-cincinni to 3–5-cincinni E front view of the main florescence of T. fluminensis, showing the saccate cincinni bracts F dorsal view of the main florescence of T. mundula, showing the saccat...
FIGURE 5. A. Individual of Galactia marginalis showing the inflorescence few-flowered and shorter th...
FIGURE 5. Transversal sections of median portions of leaf laminas. A–C. Tillandsia mantiqueirae. D–F...
FIGURE 5. Sphyrospermum rotundifolium. A. Branches. B. Stem showing leaves undersurfaces and axillar...
Figure 5 - Tradescantia ambigua Mart. A sterile habit, showing t...
Figure 22 Tradescantia hertweckii M.Pell. A habit B detail of the leaf-sheaths, showing the setose m...
Figure 5 - Murdannia nudiflora (L.) Brenan. A Habit B detail of a stem, sh...
FIGURE 5. Tillandsia alcatrazensis phenotypical variation. A–C. Front view of the inflorescences. D–...
Figure 5 - Aril morphology in Dichorisandrinae s.s. A–B Dichorisandra J.C.Mikan: A ...
FIGURE 5: Types and aspects of inflorescences. A. and D. Chamaecrista setosa inflorescence in panicl...
Figure 4 - Inflorescence architecture in Dichorisandrinae s.s. A diagram of the bas...
Figure 11 Distribution of Tradescantia cerinthoides Kunth. Orange– Cerrado; Yellow– Chaco and Pantan...
FIGURE 5. Chamaecrista ustulata. A. Habit. B. Flowering branch. C. Bud. D. Flower.Published as part ...
Figure 5 Paulliniamartinellii. A Branch fragment with leaf, stipules and tendrils B Branch with cata...
FIGURE 5. Chusquea spetentrionalis. A–C. Flowering clumps from Durango (A, C) and Sinaloa (B). D. Fl...
Figure 5 A SEM image with the close-up view of the achene body of Koelpinia macrantha, showing elong...
FIGURE 5. A. Individual of Galactia marginalis showing the inflorescence few-flowered and shorter th...
FIGURE 5. Transversal sections of median portions of leaf laminas. A–C. Tillandsia mantiqueirae. D–F...
FIGURE 5. Sphyrospermum rotundifolium. A. Branches. B. Stem showing leaves undersurfaces and axillar...
Figure 5 - Tradescantia ambigua Mart. A sterile habit, showing t...
Figure 22 Tradescantia hertweckii M.Pell. A habit B detail of the leaf-sheaths, showing the setose m...
Figure 5 - Murdannia nudiflora (L.) Brenan. A Habit B detail of a stem, sh...
FIGURE 5. Tillandsia alcatrazensis phenotypical variation. A–C. Front view of the inflorescences. D–...
Figure 5 - Aril morphology in Dichorisandrinae s.s. A–B Dichorisandra J.C.Mikan: A ...
FIGURE 5: Types and aspects of inflorescences. A. and D. Chamaecrista setosa inflorescence in panicl...
Figure 4 - Inflorescence architecture in Dichorisandrinae s.s. A diagram of the bas...
Figure 11 Distribution of Tradescantia cerinthoides Kunth. Orange– Cerrado; Yellow– Chaco and Pantan...
FIGURE 5. Chamaecrista ustulata. A. Habit. B. Flowering branch. C. Bud. D. Flower.Published as part ...
Figure 5 Paulliniamartinellii. A Branch fragment with leaf, stipules and tendrils B Branch with cata...
FIGURE 5. Chusquea spetentrionalis. A–C. Flowering clumps from Durango (A, C) and Sinaloa (B). D. Fl...
Figure 5 A SEM image with the close-up view of the achene body of Koelpinia macrantha, showing elong...
FIGURE 5. A. Individual of Galactia marginalis showing the inflorescence few-flowered and shorter th...
FIGURE 5. Transversal sections of median portions of leaf laminas. A–C. Tillandsia mantiqueirae. D–F...
FIGURE 5. Sphyrospermum rotundifolium. A. Branches. B. Stem showing leaves undersurfaces and axillar...