urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:B727D00A-7E31-4B44-9B33-E6DC82D548B2 Figs 1G–J, 2B, J, 3B Diagnosis Male easily separated from males of other species of the group by the shovel-shaped uncus (at the apex) and the distal part of the aedeagus (grooved-shaped), with the vesica having a basal tuft of needleshaped cornutus, pointed downward (Fig. 2B, J). Female easily separated from females of other species of the group by the very short ductus bursae, with a strongly sclerotised funnel-shaped connection with the ostium; antrum sclerotized, with a large, broad ventral plate, slightly bilobate, widening to the front, the anterior part shaped like a thin lip and more sclerotized than the posterior part, slightly concave (Fig. 3B). Etymology Named aft...