The aim of this research was to develop local potential based biology teaching material on subject matter of living thing diversity for grade VII Junior High Schools. The teaching material used in schoolwas only teaching material from the central education office. Local examples in Gorontalo Province were not available. This resulted in the learners did not recognize the local potential that exists in the area. Application of curriculum requires the utilization of local potential as a learning resource through teaching materials, student worksheets, and media. It was important to develop a learning book by using local examples exist in the environment with which student can learn the concept of biology. The method used was the teaching mate...
Learning sources are all objects and their phenomena that can be used to gain experience in solving ...
ABSTRACTAmphibia learning achievement in class X IPA SMA/MA requires students to have the ability to...
This study was carried out on the Attitude of Biology Teachers towards Improvisation and Utilization...
The aim of this research was to develop local potential based biology teaching material on subject m...
Fish diversity in Kampar District is one of natural resources which is potentially developed as a co...
Biodiversity in the form of plants is a nation's wealth that needs to be maintained and developed by...
Local knowledge of the Dayak Ngaju community in Gunung Mas regency, Central Kalimantan there were be...
Animalia is a biology subject that includes in Grade X Senior High School. This material has a compr...
Integration of local potential in biology is important as a form of learning that is more contextual...
Biology is learning that can take advantage of the environment as a learning resource. Based on the ...
The high biodiversity in Papua can be used as biology learning material and an educational laborator...
Many researchers have developed scientific literacy, but no one has done scientific literacy study o...
Competition in the field of education globally is increasingly competitive, but it has not been dire...
There are many potentials in Rampah Menjangan Falls region, one of them is bamboo. The bamboo divers...
This study aims to investigate: (1) The feasibility of biodiversity module based on Socioscientific ...
Learning sources are all objects and their phenomena that can be used to gain experience in solving ...
ABSTRACTAmphibia learning achievement in class X IPA SMA/MA requires students to have the ability to...
This study was carried out on the Attitude of Biology Teachers towards Improvisation and Utilization...
The aim of this research was to develop local potential based biology teaching material on subject m...
Fish diversity in Kampar District is one of natural resources which is potentially developed as a co...
Biodiversity in the form of plants is a nation's wealth that needs to be maintained and developed by...
Local knowledge of the Dayak Ngaju community in Gunung Mas regency, Central Kalimantan there were be...
Animalia is a biology subject that includes in Grade X Senior High School. This material has a compr...
Integration of local potential in biology is important as a form of learning that is more contextual...
Biology is learning that can take advantage of the environment as a learning resource. Based on the ...
The high biodiversity in Papua can be used as biology learning material and an educational laborator...
Many researchers have developed scientific literacy, but no one has done scientific literacy study o...
Competition in the field of education globally is increasingly competitive, but it has not been dire...
There are many potentials in Rampah Menjangan Falls region, one of them is bamboo. The bamboo divers...
This study aims to investigate: (1) The feasibility of biodiversity module based on Socioscientific ...
Learning sources are all objects and their phenomena that can be used to gain experience in solving ...
ABSTRACTAmphibia learning achievement in class X IPA SMA/MA requires students to have the ability to...
This study was carried out on the Attitude of Biology Teachers towards Improvisation and Utilization...