Omiodes indicata (Fabricius, 1775) Figs 41, 42, 117, 163 Phalaena indicata Fabricius, 1775: 640. Omiodes indicata (Fabricius): Peck et al., 1998: 227. ‒ Causton et al., 2006: 141. ‒ Roque-Albelo & Landry, 2015. Material examined: 5 ♂, 24 ♀, 3 of undetermined sex from the Galápagos Islands: – Fernandina: [no precise locality]; SW side, crater rim, GPS: 1341 m elev[ation]., S 00° 21.910’, W 91°34.034’. – Isabela: Tagus Cove; Tagus Cove, emerged ex pupa on Desmodium glabrum (Mill) DC, Leguminosae; nr Tagus Cove, 100 m elev.; V[olcan]. Darwin, 300 m elev.; 3 km N S[an]to Tómas, Agr[iculture]. Zone; ± 15 km N P[uer]to Villamil; V. Darwin, 1240 m elev. – Pinta: ± 15 m elev.; ± 50 m elev.; 200 m elev.; 400 m elev. – San Crist...