Probolomyrmex tani, new species Figures 1 - 7 TYPE MATERIAL Holotype worker, Madagascar: Prov. Antsiranana, Foret d'Analabe, 30.0 km 72 ENE Daraina, 13 05 ' 00 " S, 049 54 ' 30 " E, 30 m, 27 Nov 2003, littoral rainforest, (coll. B. L. Fisher et al.) Collection code: BLF 9426, specimen code: CASENT 0041505, (CASC) Paratypes: 1 worker and 1 dealate queen with same data as holotype but with specimen codes CASENT 0041506 (1 dQ) (CASC) and CASENT 0041507 (1 w) (MCZC). ETYMOLOGY The specific name is an arbitrary combination, to be treated as a noun in apposition. DESCRIPTION Worker Measurements (mm): maximum and minimum based on all specimens, n = 22, (holotype), [paratype]. TL 2.3 - 2.76 (2.5) [2.5], HL 0.55 - 0.64 (0.60) [0.59], HW 0.37...