In taking appropriate decision to buy and sell stock wich is always fluctuative in stock market, to obtain profit, the stock market actor should master the appropriate method to predict stock price movement. The Research tried to compare three technical analysis method included in Moving Average method group with Hypothesis; there is a significant difference of prediction accuration level between technical analysis using Simple Moving Average, Weihted Moving Average, and Exponential Moving Average method in predicting stock price movement. This research is done to two stocks as simple namely Telkom dan Indosat with observation time population during trade year 1997-2004. Observation periode diveded again into four observation periodes with ...
This study aims to test the ability of technical analysis for predicting the stock price and generat...
Abstract: The fluctuative of stock prices in a secondary market provide the possibility for in...
Our financial and market action change every minute of every day. These markets are dynamic because ...
The rapid economic growth, technology and science have a big impact on human mind for searching and ...
Moving Average is one of widely known technical indicator used to predict the future data in time se...
Stocks are one of the favorite investment methods of Indonesian people. This is because stocks are ...
Moving Average is one of widely known technical indicator used to predict the future data in time se...
Moving average as one of popular technical indicator used to predict data in time series analysis ha...
One of the most popular technical indicator used in time series analysis for predicting future data ...
This research analyzes the use of technical analysis in predicting stock's price in order to set the...
This study aims to examine the reliability of the technical analysis (TA) approach in Indonesian sto...
This study aims to examine the reliability of the technical analysis (TA) approach in Indonesian sto...
This study aims to evaluate the use of technical analysis in predicting stock price movements in Ind...
Moving Average (MA) has been developed by many researchers, economists, analysts, and other professi...
This study aims to test and provide empirical evidence of the accuracy of technical analysis indicat...
This study aims to test the ability of technical analysis for predicting the stock price and generat...
Abstract: The fluctuative of stock prices in a secondary market provide the possibility for in...
Our financial and market action change every minute of every day. These markets are dynamic because ...
The rapid economic growth, technology and science have a big impact on human mind for searching and ...
Moving Average is one of widely known technical indicator used to predict the future data in time se...
Stocks are one of the favorite investment methods of Indonesian people. This is because stocks are ...
Moving Average is one of widely known technical indicator used to predict the future data in time se...
Moving average as one of popular technical indicator used to predict data in time series analysis ha...
One of the most popular technical indicator used in time series analysis for predicting future data ...
This research analyzes the use of technical analysis in predicting stock's price in order to set the...
This study aims to examine the reliability of the technical analysis (TA) approach in Indonesian sto...
This study aims to examine the reliability of the technical analysis (TA) approach in Indonesian sto...
This study aims to evaluate the use of technical analysis in predicting stock price movements in Ind...
Moving Average (MA) has been developed by many researchers, economists, analysts, and other professi...
This study aims to test and provide empirical evidence of the accuracy of technical analysis indicat...
This study aims to test the ability of technical analysis for predicting the stock price and generat...
Abstract: The fluctuative of stock prices in a secondary market provide the possibility for in...
Our financial and market action change every minute of every day. These markets are dynamic because ...