Niwa, Kanji, Yi, Ren, Tanaka, Naonobu, Kitaguchi, Shindai, Tsuji, Daisuke, Kim, Sang-Yong, Tsogtbaatar, Ariuntuya, Bunddulam, Perleidulam, Kawazoe, Kazuyoshi, Kojoma, Mareshige, Damdinjav, Davaadagva, Itoh, Kohji, Kashiwada, Yoshiki (2020): Linaburiosides A-D, acylated iridoid glucosides from Linaria buriatica. Phytochemistry (112247) 171: 1-7, DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2019.112247, URL:
The phytochemical analysis of the extracts of Linaria vulgaris, has allowed to underline an iridoidi...
During our systematic study on the species of genus Linaria (Scrophulariaceae) present in Italy, we ...
Three new flavonoid glycosides named isolinariins C, D and E (1–3), two known flavonoid glycosides (...
Fig. 1. Structures of linaburiosides A−D (1–4), iridolinarin C (5), and 7-deoxyiridolactonic acid (6...
Fig. 2. (A) Selected 1H–1H COSY and HMBC correlations and (B) selected NOESY correlations for 7-deox...
Fig. 3. Application of (A) the PGME method to 7-deoxyiridolactonic acid (6) and (B) modified Mosher'...
Linaria arcusangeli contains a new bisiridoid, named arcusangeloside, besides the known antirrhinosi...
Xu, Hong-Tao, Chen, Yi, Zhang, Cheng-Gang, Ju, Zheng-Cai, Wang, Yong-Li, Chou, Gui-Xin (2021): Acyla...
A novel iridoid glucoside 1, together with the known antirrhinoside (2), 5-deoxyantirrhinoside, 5-gl...
PubMed ID: 20614804Three known iridoid glycosides, antirrhide (1), antirrhinoside (2), and 5-O-ß-all...
Recent phytochemical study of several Italian species of Linaria, including rare endemic species, al...
The article starts with literature review on secondary metabolites, namely the iridoids contained in...
Fig. 1. Structures of compounds 1–33 isolated from the P. paniculata.Published as part of Xu, Hong-T...
Fig. 2. Key HMBC and NOESY correlations of 1, 6, 7, 20, 22 and 24.Published as part of Xu, Hong-Tao,...
In this work, the first phytochemical study on the total polar fraction of Linaria purpurea (L.) Mil...
The phytochemical analysis of the extracts of Linaria vulgaris, has allowed to underline an iridoidi...
During our systematic study on the species of genus Linaria (Scrophulariaceae) present in Italy, we ...
Three new flavonoid glycosides named isolinariins C, D and E (1–3), two known flavonoid glycosides (...
Fig. 1. Structures of linaburiosides A−D (1–4), iridolinarin C (5), and 7-deoxyiridolactonic acid (6...
Fig. 2. (A) Selected 1H–1H COSY and HMBC correlations and (B) selected NOESY correlations for 7-deox...
Fig. 3. Application of (A) the PGME method to 7-deoxyiridolactonic acid (6) and (B) modified Mosher'...
Linaria arcusangeli contains a new bisiridoid, named arcusangeloside, besides the known antirrhinosi...
Xu, Hong-Tao, Chen, Yi, Zhang, Cheng-Gang, Ju, Zheng-Cai, Wang, Yong-Li, Chou, Gui-Xin (2021): Acyla...
A novel iridoid glucoside 1, together with the known antirrhinoside (2), 5-deoxyantirrhinoside, 5-gl...
PubMed ID: 20614804Three known iridoid glycosides, antirrhide (1), antirrhinoside (2), and 5-O-ß-all...
Recent phytochemical study of several Italian species of Linaria, including rare endemic species, al...
The article starts with literature review on secondary metabolites, namely the iridoids contained in...
Fig. 1. Structures of compounds 1–33 isolated from the P. paniculata.Published as part of Xu, Hong-T...
Fig. 2. Key HMBC and NOESY correlations of 1, 6, 7, 20, 22 and 24.Published as part of Xu, Hong-Tao,...
In this work, the first phytochemical study on the total polar fraction of Linaria purpurea (L.) Mil...
The phytochemical analysis of the extracts of Linaria vulgaris, has allowed to underline an iridoidi...
During our systematic study on the species of genus Linaria (Scrophulariaceae) present in Italy, we ...
Three new flavonoid glycosides named isolinariins C, D and E (1–3), two known flavonoid glycosides (...