FIGURE 4. Foliage leaf blade anatomy and micromorphology of Guadua leonardoana. Light microscopy (A, D, G, H, J, K, L); Polarized light microscopy (I) Scanning electron microscopy (B, C, E, F). A–C. Epidermis in front view, adaxial surface. D–F. Epidermis in front view, abaxial surface. G–L. Leaf blade in cross section. G. Midrib. H–J. Mesophyll. K. Outer margin. L. Inner margin. Arrowhead: sclerenchyma sheath; arrow: parenchymatic sheath, ab: abaxial epidermis, ac: arm cell, ad: adaxial epidermis, bc: bulliform cell, cv: cavity (fusoid cells region), rc: rosette cell, sc: silica cell, scl: sclerenchyma, st: stoma. 1vb: firs-order vascular bundle, 2vb: second-order vascular bundle. Scale bars: A, B, D, E, H: 50 μm; C, G, I, J, K, L: 100 μm;...
FIGURE 4. Morphology of Eugenia longimitra. (A) Flowers emerging from an auxotelic axis (arrowheads ...
Figure 4 - Micromorphological and anatomical features of Incadendron. A Staminate flo...
FIGURE 4. Landscapes with campo rupestre vegetation in Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil. A. Serra d...
FIGURE 1. Guadua leonardoana. A. Internode of mid-culm showing: culm leaf, extravaginal branch, noda...
FIGURE 2. Guadua leonardoana in the field. A. Culm leaf. B. Pattern of branching in the mid-culm reg...
FIGURE 4. Culm cross section of Otatea acuminata OAX. A. Cross section general view. B. Parenchymato...
FIGURE 4. Leaf anatomy in cross section of Agarista revoluta (A–C) and A. revolutissima (D–F): A. Mi...
FIGURE 4. Leaf anatomy in cross section of Agarista revoluta (A–C) and A. revolutissima (D–F): A. Mi...
FIGURE 4. Leaf anatomy in cross section of Agarista revoluta (A–C) and A. revolutissima (D–F): A. Mi...
FIGURE 4. SEM of leaf blade and bracteole of Mendoncia amabilis and similar species. A–B. M. amabili...
FIGURE 4. Myrceugenia bananalensis. A. General view of diaphanized leaf. B. Detail of secondary vein...
FIGURE 4. Bertolonia angustipetala. A. Fertile branch. B. Trichomes on the petiole. C. Leaf base, ab...
FIGURE 4. Anatomical features in species of Chamaecrista series Unijugae. A. Bulbous trichomes in Ch...
FIGURE 4. Transversal sections of median leaf portions of T. mantiqueirae (A, C, E, G) and T. nuptia...
FIGURE 4. Photos of living plants. A. Microlicia gentianoides (flower). B. Microlicia mellobarretoi ...
FIGURE 4. Morphology of Eugenia longimitra. (A) Flowers emerging from an auxotelic axis (arrowheads ...
Figure 4 - Micromorphological and anatomical features of Incadendron. A Staminate flo...
FIGURE 4. Landscapes with campo rupestre vegetation in Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil. A. Serra d...
FIGURE 1. Guadua leonardoana. A. Internode of mid-culm showing: culm leaf, extravaginal branch, noda...
FIGURE 2. Guadua leonardoana in the field. A. Culm leaf. B. Pattern of branching in the mid-culm reg...
FIGURE 4. Culm cross section of Otatea acuminata OAX. A. Cross section general view. B. Parenchymato...
FIGURE 4. Leaf anatomy in cross section of Agarista revoluta (A–C) and A. revolutissima (D–F): A. Mi...
FIGURE 4. Leaf anatomy in cross section of Agarista revoluta (A–C) and A. revolutissima (D–F): A. Mi...
FIGURE 4. Leaf anatomy in cross section of Agarista revoluta (A–C) and A. revolutissima (D–F): A. Mi...
FIGURE 4. SEM of leaf blade and bracteole of Mendoncia amabilis and similar species. A–B. M. amabili...
FIGURE 4. Myrceugenia bananalensis. A. General view of diaphanized leaf. B. Detail of secondary vein...
FIGURE 4. Bertolonia angustipetala. A. Fertile branch. B. Trichomes on the petiole. C. Leaf base, ab...
FIGURE 4. Anatomical features in species of Chamaecrista series Unijugae. A. Bulbous trichomes in Ch...
FIGURE 4. Transversal sections of median leaf portions of T. mantiqueirae (A, C, E, G) and T. nuptia...
FIGURE 4. Photos of living plants. A. Microlicia gentianoides (flower). B. Microlicia mellobarretoi ...
FIGURE 4. Morphology of Eugenia longimitra. (A) Flowers emerging from an auxotelic axis (arrowheads ...
Figure 4 - Micromorphological and anatomical features of Incadendron. A Staminate flo...
FIGURE 4. Landscapes with campo rupestre vegetation in Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil. A. Serra d...