This is a snapshot of the source tree from shortly before the Tock 1 crates were removed
This zip-archive contains all steps that were executed post tree inference, including the extraction...
Just a cleaned up version of the JPetStore used as basis for the instrumented branches
Contains an archive with trees inferred from simulated data by various methods<div><br></div><div>v2...
This is a belated release, but this tag marks libtock-c that is compatible with Tock kernel 1.6. We ...
This is the first testing release for Tock 2.1! Tock 2.1 represents a year of general improvements s...
This release is for reference of the version of libtock-c used when testing the 2.1 release of the T...
This is the first testing release for Tock 2.0! Tock 2.0 represents over a year of work towards a re...
Find more info on all releases at
Find more info on all releases at
Find more info on all releases at
Find more info on all releases at
This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down
XML file for BEAST. This was used to get tree in Monotropoideae_Arbutoideae_chrono.tre
source.csv files are more simply formatted versions of SOURCE.ods files. ( 'SOURCE' and 'source' fi...
source.csv files are more simply formatted versions of SOURCE.ods files. ( 'SOURCE' and 'source' fi...
This zip-archive contains all steps that were executed post tree inference, including the extraction...
Just a cleaned up version of the JPetStore used as basis for the instrumented branches
Contains an archive with trees inferred from simulated data by various methods<div><br></div><div>v2...
This is a belated release, but this tag marks libtock-c that is compatible with Tock kernel 1.6. We ...
This is the first testing release for Tock 2.1! Tock 2.1 represents a year of general improvements s...
This release is for reference of the version of libtock-c used when testing the 2.1 release of the T...
This is the first testing release for Tock 2.0! Tock 2.0 represents over a year of work towards a re...
Find more info on all releases at
Find more info on all releases at
Find more info on all releases at
Find more info on all releases at
This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down
XML file for BEAST. This was used to get tree in Monotropoideae_Arbutoideae_chrono.tre
source.csv files are more simply formatted versions of SOURCE.ods files. ( 'SOURCE' and 'source' fi...
source.csv files are more simply formatted versions of SOURCE.ods files. ( 'SOURCE' and 'source' fi...
This zip-archive contains all steps that were executed post tree inference, including the extraction...
Just a cleaned up version of the JPetStore used as basis for the instrumented branches
Contains an archive with trees inferred from simulated data by various methods<div><br></div><div>v2...