The files contain aerosol data from simulations by a global model ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3. The following three experiments are conducted over Southern Hemisphere Africa: 1. Default case: default ECHAM-HAM configuration driven by GFED4.1s emissions for biomass burning; 2. EC case: the GFED4.1s emissions are scaled up (by 2.9) to match AOD satellite observations in Southern Hemisphere Africa; 3. MFC case: fire emissions, aerosol lifetime, and mass extinction coefficient are simultaneously corrected over Southern Hemisphere Africa. Available variables include: od550aer: aerosol optical depth at 550 nm wavelength; abs550aer: absorbing aerosol optical depth at 550 nm wavelength; IDRE_TOA_AS: All-sky instantaneous direct radiative effect on top of the a...