Ali and Ahl al-Bayt in the Views of Sufis Before GazzaliSufism has developed as an ascetic tradition in the Umayyads period. However we know little about the earliest appearance of ascetic tendencies in Islam. Later, Ali has been acclaimed as the father of sufism and most of the sufi orders claimed their descent from Ali. According to sufis Ali got his knowledge from the Prophet. On the other hand, until Gazzali's time there was only a few narrations in sufi texts about Ali's high rank.ıf / Cite as: Çift, Salih. "Gazzalî Öncesi Mutasavvıfların Hz. Ali ve Ehl-i Beyt'le İlgili Görüşleri". Marife 5/1 (2005): 163-171.
The overall aim of this study is to look at the Qūt al-qulūb and the life of its author Abu Talib al...
Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) is Sunni sufi representing Islamic mysticism and Ibnu Arabi (1165-1240) repre...
Bu makale, tarikatların teşekkülü öncesi dönemde tasavvuf klasiklerinde yer alan kavramlar ve bu kav...
Hz. Ali, who was born in Mecca 22 years before the Hegira, was the son of Abu Talib, the uncle of th...
In all of the orders which are the institutions of Sufism the Hazrat Ali and Ahl al-Bayt are shown l...
Shaykh Hâmid-i Veli, better known by the name “Somuncu Baba” in addition to being one of the well-kn...
Yiğitbaşı Veli was born in 1505 at Saruhan. in Othoman Period. He is one of the biggest sufis of Tur...
Islamic mysticism or Sufism is one of the most outstanding appearances of Islamic culture that has h...
Simply put, it is merely an esoteric aspect or an inner aspect that must be distinguished from the e...
All of the major branches of Islamic mysticism, ‘irfān, refer to Imam ‘Ali (‘a) as a major source fo...
The ascetisc of Isa al-Masih is the most polular model in strengthening the ascetism doctrines among...
Religous and historical figures have important roles in the tradition of the Otoman poetry. The poet...
Today all over the world more and more people accept Muslim religion. According to Islam, religion i...
Al-Muhasibi's fame was unlike any other Sufi figure. he is not as popular as Al-Ghazali, even Imam A...
Al-Ghazali is an expert and great Muslim scholar who speaks up for moderate Sunni sufism, a sufism w...
The overall aim of this study is to look at the Qūt al-qulūb and the life of its author Abu Talib al...
Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) is Sunni sufi representing Islamic mysticism and Ibnu Arabi (1165-1240) repre...
Bu makale, tarikatların teşekkülü öncesi dönemde tasavvuf klasiklerinde yer alan kavramlar ve bu kav...
Hz. Ali, who was born in Mecca 22 years before the Hegira, was the son of Abu Talib, the uncle of th...
In all of the orders which are the institutions of Sufism the Hazrat Ali and Ahl al-Bayt are shown l...
Shaykh Hâmid-i Veli, better known by the name “Somuncu Baba” in addition to being one of the well-kn...
Yiğitbaşı Veli was born in 1505 at Saruhan. in Othoman Period. He is one of the biggest sufis of Tur...
Islamic mysticism or Sufism is one of the most outstanding appearances of Islamic culture that has h...
Simply put, it is merely an esoteric aspect or an inner aspect that must be distinguished from the e...
All of the major branches of Islamic mysticism, ‘irfān, refer to Imam ‘Ali (‘a) as a major source fo...
The ascetisc of Isa al-Masih is the most polular model in strengthening the ascetism doctrines among...
Religous and historical figures have important roles in the tradition of the Otoman poetry. The poet...
Today all over the world more and more people accept Muslim religion. According to Islam, religion i...
Al-Muhasibi's fame was unlike any other Sufi figure. he is not as popular as Al-Ghazali, even Imam A...
Al-Ghazali is an expert and great Muslim scholar who speaks up for moderate Sunni sufism, a sufism w...
The overall aim of this study is to look at the Qūt al-qulūb and the life of its author Abu Talib al...
Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) is Sunni sufi representing Islamic mysticism and Ibnu Arabi (1165-1240) repre...
Bu makale, tarikatların teşekkülü öncesi dönemde tasavvuf klasiklerinde yer alan kavramlar ve bu kav...