mBERT models trained to classify targets belonging to SDG 6. We trained the mBERT multi-language model to classify the 169 individual SDG Targets, based on the English abstracts in the corpus of 1.4 million research papers we gathered using the Aurora SDG Query model v5. Read more in our report: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5603019 Fork / Contribute to our code: https://github.com/Aurora-Network-Global/sdgs_many_bertsMany thanks to Maéva Vignes from University of South Denmark, to allow us to use their UCloud HPC facilities and budget to train the mBERT models on their GPU's. Funded by European Commission, Project ID: 101004013, Call: EAC-A02-2019-1, Programme: EPLUS2020, DG/Agency: EACEA [ Project website | Zenodo Community | Githu...