COVID-19 is a new health problem that emerged in early 2020 which is currently threatening the world. The increasingly high prevalence of COVID-19 cases and very worrying prompted the government to issue several policies aimed at breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19 and protecting the community from the outbreak of this COVID-19 disease. The COVID-19 vaccine is one of the most effective and economical ways to prevent infectious diseases such as COVID-19. The government has imposed a COVID-19 vaccine for all Indonesians for free. However, this vaccination policy has again caused controversy for some people. The spread of misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine is one of the factors that affect public perception of the COVID-19 va...
Latar belakang: Minat masyarakat mengikuti vaksinasi COVID-19 beragam antara remaja, dewasa, dan usi...
Virus SARS coronavirus-2 dapat menyebabkan penyakit infeksi COVID-19. Ketika jumlah kasus COVID-19 m...
Coronavirus disease 2019 or commonly called COVID-19 is an infectious disease that is now a global p...
Background: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of disease that has never been previou...
The widespread misconceptions and hoaxes regarding the Covid-19 vaccine are the driving cause for pu...
Covid-19 is an infectious disease designated as a global health problem which as subsequently design...
Background: Acceptance of the Covid-19 vaccine is a challenge in the success of the Covid-19 vaccina...
One of the efforts to protect the community against Covid-19 cases is vaccination. However, in the p...
The target of the Covid-19 vaccination in Indonesia reached 181,554,465 people. Until August 25, 202...
Covid-19 is a disease that infects the acute respiratory tract. The Indonesian government has made e...
The low percentage of vaccine acceptance in the community in West Muna Regency is inseparable from t...
Covid-19 vaccination is carried out to reduce the rate of spread of Covid-19 disease, but in its imp...
Background: In December 2019, a series of acute atypical respiratory illnesses occurred in Wuhan, Ch...
Nowadays due to the Pandemic Covid-19, the government requires all the people to receive vaccination...
COVID-19 vaccination is an effort to deal with COVID-19 pandemic. People’s good perception of vaccin...
Latar belakang: Minat masyarakat mengikuti vaksinasi COVID-19 beragam antara remaja, dewasa, dan usi...
Virus SARS coronavirus-2 dapat menyebabkan penyakit infeksi COVID-19. Ketika jumlah kasus COVID-19 m...
Coronavirus disease 2019 or commonly called COVID-19 is an infectious disease that is now a global p...
Background: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of disease that has never been previou...
The widespread misconceptions and hoaxes regarding the Covid-19 vaccine are the driving cause for pu...
Covid-19 is an infectious disease designated as a global health problem which as subsequently design...
Background: Acceptance of the Covid-19 vaccine is a challenge in the success of the Covid-19 vaccina...
One of the efforts to protect the community against Covid-19 cases is vaccination. However, in the p...
The target of the Covid-19 vaccination in Indonesia reached 181,554,465 people. Until August 25, 202...
Covid-19 is a disease that infects the acute respiratory tract. The Indonesian government has made e...
The low percentage of vaccine acceptance in the community in West Muna Regency is inseparable from t...
Covid-19 vaccination is carried out to reduce the rate of spread of Covid-19 disease, but in its imp...
Background: In December 2019, a series of acute atypical respiratory illnesses occurred in Wuhan, Ch...
Nowadays due to the Pandemic Covid-19, the government requires all the people to receive vaccination...
COVID-19 vaccination is an effort to deal with COVID-19 pandemic. People’s good perception of vaccin...
Latar belakang: Minat masyarakat mengikuti vaksinasi COVID-19 beragam antara remaja, dewasa, dan usi...
Virus SARS coronavirus-2 dapat menyebabkan penyakit infeksi COVID-19. Ketika jumlah kasus COVID-19 m...
Coronavirus disease 2019 or commonly called COVID-19 is an infectious disease that is now a global p...