In many cases, financial indicators are used for market analysis and to forecast the future of stock prices. Due to the high complexity of the stock market, determining which indicators should be used and the reliability of their outcomes have always been a challenge. In this article, a hybrid approach in the form of a decision support system is being introduced that offers the best suggestions in buying and selling stocks. This system will help an investor to identify the best portfolio of stocks using a series of financial indicators. These indices act as a model that forecast the future price of a stock by examining its activities and status in the past. Therefore, using a combination of the indices enables us to make decisions with more...
Stock is one of the investment instruments on the capital markets which provide high returns. Furthe...
We propose an application that can support traders by providing recommendation about the right stock...
Predicting the direction and movement of stock index prices is difficult, often leading to excessive...
ABSTRACT In many cases, financial indicators are used for market analysis and to forecast the futur...
Summarization: The paper presents an Intelligent DSS to cover the needs in stock portfolio managemen...
International audienceThe goal of any trader is to buy low and sell high, and thus make maximum reve...
Nowadays, stock market is becoming a popular investment platform for both institutional and individu...
The stock market is a complex, non-stationary and chaotic dynamic system. It is a popular investment...
This paper presents an intelligent decision support system for financial portfolio management. An ad...
Market volatility and innovations in financial trading have made investment decision making increasi...
International audienceThe goal of any trader is to buy low and sell high, and thus make maximum reve...
Project investigates an intelligent decision support system on stock portfolio investment - the Port...
Abstract: This paper presents an investment decision-making model which can be used as a tool in abe...
Stock is one of the investment instruments on the capital markets which provide high returns. Furthe...
Stock is one of the investment instruments on the capital markets which provide high returns. Furthe...
We propose an application that can support traders by providing recommendation about the right stock...
Predicting the direction and movement of stock index prices is difficult, often leading to excessive...
ABSTRACT In many cases, financial indicators are used for market analysis and to forecast the futur...
Summarization: The paper presents an Intelligent DSS to cover the needs in stock portfolio managemen...
International audienceThe goal of any trader is to buy low and sell high, and thus make maximum reve...
Nowadays, stock market is becoming a popular investment platform for both institutional and individu...
The stock market is a complex, non-stationary and chaotic dynamic system. It is a popular investment...
This paper presents an intelligent decision support system for financial portfolio management. An ad...
Market volatility and innovations in financial trading have made investment decision making increasi...
International audienceThe goal of any trader is to buy low and sell high, and thus make maximum reve...
Project investigates an intelligent decision support system on stock portfolio investment - the Port...
Abstract: This paper presents an investment decision-making model which can be used as a tool in abe...
Stock is one of the investment instruments on the capital markets which provide high returns. Furthe...
Stock is one of the investment instruments on the capital markets which provide high returns. Furthe...
We propose an application that can support traders by providing recommendation about the right stock...
Predicting the direction and movement of stock index prices is difficult, often leading to excessive...