Phylogenetic tree used in the present analysis : Explanation note: Paper currently in review in which we have presented the phylogenetic tree of African Cyprinidae. We submit it here as supplementary Information because we do not want to publish the same phylogeny twice
Figure 3 Summary of all evolutionary events (A–F) reported in this study. This summary was presented...
Table S3. Overview of the taxon sampling for the nuclear markers (RAG1, ENC1, Rh1 and ttna TMO) with...
Uncorrected p-distance (%) between 53 species of the genus Sinocyclocheilus based on mitochondrial C...
Table S2 : Explanation note: List of 315 Cyprinidae specimens analysed in this study. Full nam...
Table S3 : Explanation note: Matrix of the morphological characters used for character mapping...
Table S1 : Explanation note: Taxa included in this study and accession numbers of sequences in...
GenBank accession codes : Explanation note: Terminal taxa for molecular phylogeny and respec...
List of specimens of Petrocephalus arnegardi and Petrocephalus boboto with EOD recording.: Explanati...
Recent evidence that freshwater fishes diversify faster than marine fishes signifies that the evolut...
Table S2 : Explanation note: Models tested to estimate distribution ranges inherited by the de...
Occurences and morphological data : Explanation note: List of material examined for the anal...
Table S1. Overview of the taxon sampling with corresponding Genbank accession numbers and, where app...
Table S1, Figure S1 : Explanation note: Table S1. Normalized haplotype composition of localiti...
List of species including voucher's specimen number, species name, locality information and Specimen...
Table S1 : Explanation note: Species included in the present study with voulchers and GenBank ...
Figure 3 Summary of all evolutionary events (A–F) reported in this study. This summary was presented...
Table S3. Overview of the taxon sampling for the nuclear markers (RAG1, ENC1, Rh1 and ttna TMO) with...
Uncorrected p-distance (%) between 53 species of the genus Sinocyclocheilus based on mitochondrial C...
Table S2 : Explanation note: List of 315 Cyprinidae specimens analysed in this study. Full nam...
Table S3 : Explanation note: Matrix of the morphological characters used for character mapping...
Table S1 : Explanation note: Taxa included in this study and accession numbers of sequences in...
GenBank accession codes : Explanation note: Terminal taxa for molecular phylogeny and respec...
List of specimens of Petrocephalus arnegardi and Petrocephalus boboto with EOD recording.: Explanati...
Recent evidence that freshwater fishes diversify faster than marine fishes signifies that the evolut...
Table S2 : Explanation note: Models tested to estimate distribution ranges inherited by the de...
Occurences and morphological data : Explanation note: List of material examined for the anal...
Table S1. Overview of the taxon sampling with corresponding Genbank accession numbers and, where app...
Table S1, Figure S1 : Explanation note: Table S1. Normalized haplotype composition of localiti...
List of species including voucher's specimen number, species name, locality information and Specimen...
Table S1 : Explanation note: Species included in the present study with voulchers and GenBank ...
Figure 3 Summary of all evolutionary events (A–F) reported in this study. This summary was presented...
Table S3. Overview of the taxon sampling for the nuclear markers (RAG1, ENC1, Rh1 and ttna TMO) with...
Uncorrected p-distance (%) between 53 species of the genus Sinocyclocheilus based on mitochondrial C...