撒马尔罕是丝绸之路上重要的枢纽城市,其阿弗拉西阿卜遗址区保存着丰富的历史遗迹,尤其是阿弗拉西阿卜博物馆“大使厅”壁画具有高度写实性,反映了中国丝绸技术的传播。本文从壁画内容入手,结合丝绸西传的相关的传说和文献资料,以揭示出在中国丝绸技术西传并无明确的时间记载情况下,粟特人因为对丝绸技术的重视,使得丝绸西传史实得到如实记录。进而证实撒马尔罕阿弗拉西阿卜博物馆的大使厅壁画上中国使团形象,是具有明确时间记载丝绸生产技术的转移的有力证据,深刻反映了中国同中亚地区在丝绸之路上友好交往的历史。 Samarkand is an important hub city on the Silk Road. Afrasiyab is the oldest part and the ruined site of the ancient and medieval city of Samarkand. The murals painted on the walls of Ambassador Hall at the Afrasiyab Museum can reflect real history. Given that there are no powerful evidence that can prove the time that Chinese silk production techniques spread to the West, and the Sogdians attached importance to silk techniques, hence the aim of the article is to reveal that there are some historical...