The Geysers geothermal field located in California, USA, is the largest geothermal site in the world, operating since the 1960s. We here investigate and quantify the correlation between temporal seismicity evolution and variation of the injection data by examination of time-series through specified statistical tools (binomial test to investigate significant rate changes, cross correlation between seismic and injection data, b-value variation analysis). To do so, we utilize seismicity and operational data associated with two injection wells (Prati-9 and Prati-29) which cover a time period of approximately 7 yr (from November 2007 to August 2014). The seismicity is found to be significantly positively correlated with the injection rate. The m...
Changes in seismicity rates, whether of tectonic or of induced origin, can readily be identified in ...
<p>The wide application of fluid injection has caused a concern of the potential critical risk assoc...
The Cambrian-Ordovician Arbuckle Group is the primary disposal zone for Underground Injection Contro...
Seismicity from injected fluids provides insight into the hydraulically conductive fracture network ...
The growing installation of industrial facilities for subsurface exploration worldwide requires cont...
In this paper, we present a model for describing relationships between fluid-induced seismic- ity a...
Water injection into geothermal systems has often become a required strategy to extended and sustai...
Water injection into geothermal systems has often become a required strategy to extend and sustain p...
California hosts both the largest geothermal resource capacity and highest seismicity rate in the na...
Water injection into geothermal systems has often become arequired strategy to extended and sustain ...
Geothermal power is a growing energy source; however, efforts to increase production are tempered by...
The objective of this research was to develop methodologies of interest to the geothermal industry t...
Abstract The Geysers geothermal field in Northern California, which has been ac-tively exploited sin...
International audienceThe geothermal power plant of Soultz-sous-Forˆets in Northeastern France consi...
©2019. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Fluid injection into the Earth's crust can i...
Changes in seismicity rates, whether of tectonic or of induced origin, can readily be identified in ...
<p>The wide application of fluid injection has caused a concern of the potential critical risk assoc...
The Cambrian-Ordovician Arbuckle Group is the primary disposal zone for Underground Injection Contro...
Seismicity from injected fluids provides insight into the hydraulically conductive fracture network ...
The growing installation of industrial facilities for subsurface exploration worldwide requires cont...
In this paper, we present a model for describing relationships between fluid-induced seismic- ity a...
Water injection into geothermal systems has often become a required strategy to extended and sustai...
Water injection into geothermal systems has often become a required strategy to extend and sustain p...
California hosts both the largest geothermal resource capacity and highest seismicity rate in the na...
Water injection into geothermal systems has often become arequired strategy to extended and sustain ...
Geothermal power is a growing energy source; however, efforts to increase production are tempered by...
The objective of this research was to develop methodologies of interest to the geothermal industry t...
Abstract The Geysers geothermal field in Northern California, which has been ac-tively exploited sin...
International audienceThe geothermal power plant of Soultz-sous-Forˆets in Northeastern France consi...
©2019. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Fluid injection into the Earth's crust can i...
Changes in seismicity rates, whether of tectonic or of induced origin, can readily be identified in ...
<p>The wide application of fluid injection has caused a concern of the potential critical risk assoc...
The Cambrian-Ordovician Arbuckle Group is the primary disposal zone for Underground Injection Contro...