This is a Data Management plant that shows The Correlation between Movies score and Unemployed rat
Correlation analysis results between the total error count and the characteristics of each instituti...
<p>Correlation coefficient between DHI and the tools used for measuring sleep disturbance in each gr...
<p>Correlations between Ego Geek Scores and the Average Geek Scores of their Networks.</p
This is the data management plan (DMP) for the experiment "Analysis of Correlation Between GDP per C...
<p>Correlations of the mental workload scores and the usability scores by performance class.</p
<div>This report presents the relation between Number of Unemployment people in New York and Number ...
Correlations of Dopamine (DA) and findings of behavioral tests in all studied parameters.</p
Correlations between human- and computer-generated ratings within conditions.</p
<p>The correlation between the density of DNMs and various genomic variables at the 1MB scale.</p
<p>Correlations of the mental workload scores with the usability scores by performance class.</p
<p>The correlation between assessor score and the number of citations in the two datasets.</p
<p>Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients of the usability and the mental workload scores.</p
Pearson correlation (r) of scores for systems produced in two separate data collection runs on Mecha...
Correlations among exploration/persistence, working memory, and grit measures.</p
Data managment plan of the project "Correlation between number of marriages in the EU/austria and st...
Correlation analysis results between the total error count and the characteristics of each instituti...
<p>Correlation coefficient between DHI and the tools used for measuring sleep disturbance in each gr...
<p>Correlations between Ego Geek Scores and the Average Geek Scores of their Networks.</p
This is the data management plan (DMP) for the experiment "Analysis of Correlation Between GDP per C...
<p>Correlations of the mental workload scores and the usability scores by performance class.</p
<div>This report presents the relation between Number of Unemployment people in New York and Number ...
Correlations of Dopamine (DA) and findings of behavioral tests in all studied parameters.</p
Correlations between human- and computer-generated ratings within conditions.</p
<p>The correlation between the density of DNMs and various genomic variables at the 1MB scale.</p
<p>Correlations of the mental workload scores with the usability scores by performance class.</p
<p>The correlation between assessor score and the number of citations in the two datasets.</p
<p>Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients of the usability and the mental workload scores.</p
Pearson correlation (r) of scores for systems produced in two separate data collection runs on Mecha...
Correlations among exploration/persistence, working memory, and grit measures.</p
Data managment plan of the project "Correlation between number of marriages in the EU/austria and st...
Correlation analysis results between the total error count and the characteristics of each instituti...
<p>Correlation coefficient between DHI and the tools used for measuring sleep disturbance in each gr...
<p>Correlations between Ego Geek Scores and the Average Geek Scores of their Networks.</p