The quantum space is both an important part of quantum mechanics and the core problem in the philosophy of quantum mechanics. Because the quantum objects, such as electron and photon, always moves at the speed close to that of light, it is inevitable to involve the inseparability between space and time and discuss the 4-dimensional space-time. In order to investigate the essence of space-time, we must approach to the realm of physical philosophy and discuss the core problem, i.e. the realism in the space-time theories. In this paper, we, combined the semantic and contextual analysis, analyze the development of realism in the development of quantum space-time theory
Hemion G. Reality as complex space. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 1989;28(11):1371-1...
Various studies suggest a close relation between space-time structure and the general characteristic...
Wave function, as both mathematical framework and conceptual framework involves objectivity and subj...
What ontology does realism about the quantum state suggest? The main extant view in contemporary phi...
Space and time are probably the most important elements in physics. Within the memory of man, all es...
We propose a realistic and nonlocal interpretation for quantum mechanics, which requires new mathema...
The Space-time Mapping Structure has been built based on Einstein's relativity theory,C.N.Yang's gau...
Information about the reality outside flow via our sense organs into the body, and the brain forms a...
What is a world governed by quantummechanics fundamentally like? In particular, what is the fundamen...
This article amalgamates some results published previously by the author with their natural extensio...
I present a discussion of some open issues in the philosophy of space-time theories. Empha...
Many believe that quantum mechanics makes the world hospitable to the tensed theory of time. Quantum...
Ever since quantum mechanics was first developed, it has been unclear what it really tells us about ...
The relationship between mind and reality is usually perceived as an event that takes place in reali...
We present current theories about the structure of space and time, where the building blocks are som...
Hemion G. Reality as complex space. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 1989;28(11):1371-1...
Various studies suggest a close relation between space-time structure and the general characteristic...
Wave function, as both mathematical framework and conceptual framework involves objectivity and subj...
What ontology does realism about the quantum state suggest? The main extant view in contemporary phi...
Space and time are probably the most important elements in physics. Within the memory of man, all es...
We propose a realistic and nonlocal interpretation for quantum mechanics, which requires new mathema...
The Space-time Mapping Structure has been built based on Einstein's relativity theory,C.N.Yang's gau...
Information about the reality outside flow via our sense organs into the body, and the brain forms a...
What is a world governed by quantummechanics fundamentally like? In particular, what is the fundamen...
This article amalgamates some results published previously by the author with their natural extensio...
I present a discussion of some open issues in the philosophy of space-time theories. Empha...
Many believe that quantum mechanics makes the world hospitable to the tensed theory of time. Quantum...
Ever since quantum mechanics was first developed, it has been unclear what it really tells us about ...
The relationship between mind and reality is usually perceived as an event that takes place in reali...
We present current theories about the structure of space and time, where the building blocks are som...
Hemion G. Reality as complex space. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 1989;28(11):1371-1...
Various studies suggest a close relation between space-time structure and the general characteristic...
Wave function, as both mathematical framework and conceptual framework involves objectivity and subj...