FIGURE 3. Paraleonnates sootai (Misra, 1999) n. comb. A, anterior end, dorsal view. B, pharynx, dorsal view. C, pharynx, ventral view. D, chaetiger 2, left parapodium, anterior view. E, chaetiger 5, left parapodium, anterior view. F, chaetiger 5, right parapodium, posterior view. G, chaetiger 120, left parapodium, anterior view. H, notopodial homogomph spiniger. I, subacicular heterogomph spiniger. J, supra-acicular sesquigomph spiniger. Scale bars: A–C, 1 mm; D–G, 0.25 mm; H–J, 10 µm. (Redrawn from Misra 1999, Figs. 9 and 10; A, D–J from holotype, B–C from paratype). Abbreviations: Dc, dorsal cirrus; InL, inferior lobe (neuroacicular ligule); LDc, lobe above dorsal cirrus; Mr, maxillary ring; NeV, neuropodial ventral ligule; NoD, notopodia...
Figure 25. Laeonereis watsoni de León-González et al. 2017. (a–b, e–o), paratypes (UANL 7844); (c), ...
FIGURE 3. Adult morphology of Pygospio elegans from Broad Bay, Nahant, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (USNM 1...
FIGURE 3. Composetia budaiensis n. sp.; A–C, F–H, paratype (NMNS 7898-004); D, E, paratype (NMNS 789...
FIGURE 2. Lycastonereis indica Rao, 1981. Non-type specimens A–J (USNM 62013). A, anterior end, dors...
Figure 3 - Histograms showing length ratios of parapodial cirri among Namalycastis (bol...
Figure 3 - Nereis garwoodi. Lectotype female A–B, D–P (ECOSUR 0065); paralectotype C (ECOSUR 0066). ...
FIGURE 3. Parapodial structures of Alitta acutifolia (Ehlers, 1901). Atokous specimen from Puntarena...
FIGURE 3. Thelepus megalabiatum n. sp. (Holotype, MZUSP 3017), (A–B, D–E). Anterior end, ventral, do...
Figure 3. Namanereis pilbarensis sp. nov. Holotype A–F (WAM V8206), paratype G (NTM W19176). A, para...
FIGURE 1. Prostomial and pharyngeal structures of atokous specimens. Alitta succinea (ECOSUR-P2729):...
Figure 3. Comparison of anterior views of atokous parapodia between Nectoneanthes oxypoda (A–C; non-...
FIGURE 3. Alitta brandti Malmgren, 1865, epitoke male. Holotype (ZINRAS 6/9181), southwestern Sea of...
FIGURE 3. Perinereis khambhatiensis sp. nov. from Kamboi, Gujarat, India. A, H–N, atoke holotype (MS...
Figure 3 Stenoninereismartini Wesenberg-Lund, 1958 A–J non-type specimens (USNM 61623) A chaetiger 2...
Figure 5. Foregut, papillae and jaws in Laeonereis species. (a) non-type specimen of L. acuta (ECOSU...
Figure 25. Laeonereis watsoni de León-González et al. 2017. (a–b, e–o), paratypes (UANL 7844); (c), ...
FIGURE 3. Adult morphology of Pygospio elegans from Broad Bay, Nahant, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (USNM 1...
FIGURE 3. Composetia budaiensis n. sp.; A–C, F–H, paratype (NMNS 7898-004); D, E, paratype (NMNS 789...
FIGURE 2. Lycastonereis indica Rao, 1981. Non-type specimens A–J (USNM 62013). A, anterior end, dors...
Figure 3 - Histograms showing length ratios of parapodial cirri among Namalycastis (bol...
Figure 3 - Nereis garwoodi. Lectotype female A–B, D–P (ECOSUR 0065); paralectotype C (ECOSUR 0066). ...
FIGURE 3. Parapodial structures of Alitta acutifolia (Ehlers, 1901). Atokous specimen from Puntarena...
FIGURE 3. Thelepus megalabiatum n. sp. (Holotype, MZUSP 3017), (A–B, D–E). Anterior end, ventral, do...
Figure 3. Namanereis pilbarensis sp. nov. Holotype A–F (WAM V8206), paratype G (NTM W19176). A, para...
FIGURE 1. Prostomial and pharyngeal structures of atokous specimens. Alitta succinea (ECOSUR-P2729):...
Figure 3. Comparison of anterior views of atokous parapodia between Nectoneanthes oxypoda (A–C; non-...
FIGURE 3. Alitta brandti Malmgren, 1865, epitoke male. Holotype (ZINRAS 6/9181), southwestern Sea of...
FIGURE 3. Perinereis khambhatiensis sp. nov. from Kamboi, Gujarat, India. A, H–N, atoke holotype (MS...
Figure 3 Stenoninereismartini Wesenberg-Lund, 1958 A–J non-type specimens (USNM 61623) A chaetiger 2...
Figure 5. Foregut, papillae and jaws in Laeonereis species. (a) non-type specimen of L. acuta (ECOSU...
Figure 25. Laeonereis watsoni de León-González et al. 2017. (a–b, e–o), paratypes (UANL 7844); (c), ...
FIGURE 3. Adult morphology of Pygospio elegans from Broad Bay, Nahant, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (USNM 1...
FIGURE 3. Composetia budaiensis n. sp.; A–C, F–H, paratype (NMNS 7898-004); D, E, paratype (NMNS 789...