List of recorded species : Explanation note: The supplementary material contains the list of species recorded during the 1982 and 2017 inventories, showing for each species: number of individuals, average circunference and average height
Table 3 : Explanation note: Estimated and observed values of beetle species richness at the is...
A database on the distribution of butterflies (Lepidoptera) in northern Belgium (Flanders and the Br...
Table 2 : Explanation note: Estimated and observed values of beetle abundance at the island an...
Field sheet 2 : Explanation note: Field sheet to be compiled during each survey (three a week ...
Field sheet 1 : Explanation note: Field sheet for choosing the most suitable trees for the bai...
Field sheet : Explanation note: Field sheet to be compiled during each survey, for each transe...
Scheme of protocol suggested by MIPP to monitoring the O. eremita population and list of materials t...
Authors: Nicola Pilon, Elisa Cardarelli, Giuseppe Bogliani Data type: occurrences ...
Table 1 : Explanation note: A list of beetle species observed in our study
Supplementary tables : Explanation note: Table 1. Examples of specific plantation practices ai...
Table S1. Correlation matrix of all initial environmental layers selected for modelling in MaxEnt ...
Species list and body lengths of the 39 Aculeata species : Data type: species dat
Raw data on the species island distribution, AOO, EOO, altitudinal range and number of localities
Supporting information : Explanation note: Description of the landscape disturbance index meth...
Monthly total precipitations and temperatures : Data type: еnvironment dat
Table 3 : Explanation note: Estimated and observed values of beetle species richness at the is...
A database on the distribution of butterflies (Lepidoptera) in northern Belgium (Flanders and the Br...
Table 2 : Explanation note: Estimated and observed values of beetle abundance at the island an...
Field sheet 2 : Explanation note: Field sheet to be compiled during each survey (three a week ...
Field sheet 1 : Explanation note: Field sheet for choosing the most suitable trees for the bai...
Field sheet : Explanation note: Field sheet to be compiled during each survey, for each transe...
Scheme of protocol suggested by MIPP to monitoring the O. eremita population and list of materials t...
Authors: Nicola Pilon, Elisa Cardarelli, Giuseppe Bogliani Data type: occurrences ...
Table 1 : Explanation note: A list of beetle species observed in our study
Supplementary tables : Explanation note: Table 1. Examples of specific plantation practices ai...
Table S1. Correlation matrix of all initial environmental layers selected for modelling in MaxEnt ...
Species list and body lengths of the 39 Aculeata species : Data type: species dat
Raw data on the species island distribution, AOO, EOO, altitudinal range and number of localities
Supporting information : Explanation note: Description of the landscape disturbance index meth...
Monthly total precipitations and temperatures : Data type: еnvironment dat
Table 3 : Explanation note: Estimated and observed values of beetle species richness at the is...
A database on the distribution of butterflies (Lepidoptera) in northern Belgium (Flanders and the Br...
Table 2 : Explanation note: Estimated and observed values of beetle abundance at the island an...