În ultimele decenii, statele din întreaga lume s-au confruntat cu provocări din ce în ce mai considerabile în ceea ce priveşte transparenţa, eficienţa şi eficacitatea guvernării.În acest context, guvernarea electronică şi guvernanţa electronică au devenit subiecte importante în majoritatea statelor contemporane. In recent decades, most of governments worldwide have faced challenges in increasingly way, significant in terms of transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of governance. In this context, E-government and electronic governance have become important subjects in most contemporary states.Ciobanu, Ion, Cebanaş, Veaceslav. Securitatea votului electronic conform modelul electoral estonian = Some aspects regarding security of e-voting...
Electronic elections, also known as i-voting might help in removing the crisis in our democracy, whi...
E. valdžios vystymas yra svarbi viešojo administravimo modernizavimo dalis, susijusi su gyventojų da...
Electronic voting (as well as computer-aided voting) is an interesting subject for many countries ar...
Votul electronic, la fel ca şi Internet, constituie un proces indispensabil al mai multor democraţii...
L'Estonia fin dalla riconquistata indipendenza nazionale nel 1991 ha avviato un intenso programma di...
Electronic voting, as well as Internet voting, is in the process of being incorporated into most dem...
Estonia is an incredible success story, grown out of a partnership between a forward-thinking govern...
Teknolojide yaşanan dönüşüm, demokrasiyi ve onun kurumlarını da dönüştürmektedir. Özellikle katılımc...
W wyniku rozprzestrzeniania się koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2 w debacie politycznej powrócono do rozmów na...
An increasingly popular tendency can be observed in numerous states in Europe and globally, where mo...
The expansion of telecommunication and progress of electronic media constitute important elements of...
The I-Voting system designed and implemented in Estonia is one of the first nationwide Internet voti...
Modern society is heavily dependent from cyberspace and cybersecurity. Governments and States are us...
Suvremena tehnologija i Internet sastavni su dijelovi mnogih ljudskih aktivnosti, ali gotovo da uopć...
Utilizarea tehnologiilor informaționale a reprezentat o fereastră de oportuni-tate pentru autorități...
Electronic elections, also known as i-voting might help in removing the crisis in our democracy, whi...
E. valdžios vystymas yra svarbi viešojo administravimo modernizavimo dalis, susijusi su gyventojų da...
Electronic voting (as well as computer-aided voting) is an interesting subject for many countries ar...
Votul electronic, la fel ca şi Internet, constituie un proces indispensabil al mai multor democraţii...
L'Estonia fin dalla riconquistata indipendenza nazionale nel 1991 ha avviato un intenso programma di...
Electronic voting, as well as Internet voting, is in the process of being incorporated into most dem...
Estonia is an incredible success story, grown out of a partnership between a forward-thinking govern...
Teknolojide yaşanan dönüşüm, demokrasiyi ve onun kurumlarını da dönüştürmektedir. Özellikle katılımc...
W wyniku rozprzestrzeniania się koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2 w debacie politycznej powrócono do rozmów na...
An increasingly popular tendency can be observed in numerous states in Europe and globally, where mo...
The expansion of telecommunication and progress of electronic media constitute important elements of...
The I-Voting system designed and implemented in Estonia is one of the first nationwide Internet voti...
Modern society is heavily dependent from cyberspace and cybersecurity. Governments and States are us...
Suvremena tehnologija i Internet sastavni su dijelovi mnogih ljudskih aktivnosti, ali gotovo da uopć...
Utilizarea tehnologiilor informaționale a reprezentat o fereastră de oportuni-tate pentru autorități...
Electronic elections, also known as i-voting might help in removing the crisis in our democracy, whi...
E. valdžios vystymas yra svarbi viešojo administravimo modernizavimo dalis, susijusi su gyventojų da...
Electronic voting (as well as computer-aided voting) is an interesting subject for many countries ar...