In this paper, encrypted audio communications based on synchronization of coupled unified chaotic systems in master-slave configuration is numerically studied. We transmit the encrypted audio messages by using two unsecure channels. Encoding, transmission, and decoding audio messages in chaotic communication is presented
The experimental study of a secure chaotic synchronized communication system is presented. The synch...
This paper Studies the synchronization of the unified chaotic system via optimal linear feedback con...
In this work, the synchronization of two indirectly coupled discrete-time chaotic systems is first d...
Encoded information based on synchronization of coupled chaotic Nd:YAG lasers in master-slave config...
fA new method to encrypt signals using chaotic systems has been developed that offers benefits over ...
We present a novel synchronization scheme for secure communication with two chaotic unidirectionally...
We present a novel synchronization scheme for secure communication with two chaotic unidirectionally...
In this paper, encrypted audio communications based on synchronization of two coupled discrete-time ...
This paper is concerned with a novel secure data transmission design based on adaptive synchronizati...
The possibility of secure communication with chaos is demonstrated experimentally with two simple un...
International audienceWe present a new scheme for the secured transmission of information based on m...
Synchronisation of chaotic oscillators offers a way of practical application of the theory of Chaos ...
A novel single-channel digital secure communication scheme based on dual synchronization of chaos in...
This paper proposes a chaotic communication approach using indirect coupled synchronization scheme w...
The current techniques of communications using a chaotic carrier signal are presented. The different...
The experimental study of a secure chaotic synchronized communication system is presented. The synch...
This paper Studies the synchronization of the unified chaotic system via optimal linear feedback con...
In this work, the synchronization of two indirectly coupled discrete-time chaotic systems is first d...
Encoded information based on synchronization of coupled chaotic Nd:YAG lasers in master-slave config...
fA new method to encrypt signals using chaotic systems has been developed that offers benefits over ...
We present a novel synchronization scheme for secure communication with two chaotic unidirectionally...
We present a novel synchronization scheme for secure communication with two chaotic unidirectionally...
In this paper, encrypted audio communications based on synchronization of two coupled discrete-time ...
This paper is concerned with a novel secure data transmission design based on adaptive synchronizati...
The possibility of secure communication with chaos is demonstrated experimentally with two simple un...
International audienceWe present a new scheme for the secured transmission of information based on m...
Synchronisation of chaotic oscillators offers a way of practical application of the theory of Chaos ...
A novel single-channel digital secure communication scheme based on dual synchronization of chaos in...
This paper proposes a chaotic communication approach using indirect coupled synchronization scheme w...
The current techniques of communications using a chaotic carrier signal are presented. The different...
The experimental study of a secure chaotic synchronized communication system is presented. The synch...
This paper Studies the synchronization of the unified chaotic system via optimal linear feedback con...
In this work, the synchronization of two indirectly coupled discrete-time chaotic systems is first d...