Diponthus crassus Bruner, 1910 Redescription. Medium sized insects (Fig. 4a, b). Male: integument of head rugose, except in dorsal and postocular areas. Fastigium declivent, slightly excavated, with straight or slightly concave apex Interocular distance equal to the width of the apex of fastigium. Eyes rather prominent and subcircular, exceeding the level of vertex in lateral view. Frons straight; union frons-fastigium slightly angulate. Integument of prozona faveolated; metazona conspicuously reticulate. Prozona as or slightly longer than metazona; about the same width. Mid-dorsal longitudinal carina almost obsolete, cut by three transverse sulci. Transverse sulci deep, marked on dorsum and laterally. Anterior margin of pronotum emargin...