12. Campylopus surinamensis Müll. Hal., Linnaea 2: 186. 1848. Type: Suriname, near Paramaribo, Kegel 516 (GOET, PC). - Campylopus gracilicaulis Mitt., J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 12: 83. 1869. Type: Brazil, Rio Negro, Spruce 60 (NY). Description see Musci I in Fl. Suriname 6: 75 1964. Distribution: SE U.S.A., West Indies, C America, tropical S America. Ecology: Terrestrial on sand, clay or organic debris; in the Guianas rather common on granitic rockplateaus and in low savanna vegetations. Note This species is easy to recognize in its full-grown form by the comal tuft of spreading leaves at the end of an elongate stem with appressed leaves. Young plants, consisting of a low rosette, occasionally with only the distantly foliate stem, are sometim...
Of the 65 species of Campylopus known from tropical America, 33 are andine in distribution, 16 are f...
There are 26 species of Campylopus in Central America. They are divided into three groups on the bas...
This paper is a preliminary account of investigations on species of Campylopus, mainly from the high...
10. Campylopus savannarum (Müll. Hal.) Mitt., J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 12: 85. 1869. - Dicranum savannaru...
13. Campylopus trachyblepharon (Müll. Hal.)Mitt., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 12: 80. 1869. - Dicmnum trach...
1. Campylopus angustiretis (Austin) Lesq. & James, Man. Mosses N. America 80. 1884. - Dicranum angu...
11. Campylopus subcuspidatus (Hampe) A. Jaeger, Ber. St. Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges. 2: 441. 1872. -...
4. Campylopus cubensis Sull., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 5: 278. 1861 Type; Cuba, Wright 39 (NY) - Camp...
2. Campylopus arctocarpus (Hornsch.)Mitt., J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 12: 87. 1869. - Dicranum arctocarpus ...
9. Campylopus richardii Bud., Muscol. Recent. Suppl. 4: 73. 1819. Type: Guadeloupe, Parker s.n. (B)....
5. Campylopus dichrostis (Müll. Hal.) Paris in Engler & Prantl, Nat, Pfianzenfam. 1 (3): 333. 1901. ...
6. Campylopus lamellinervis (Müll. Hal.)Mitt., J. Linn. Soc Bot. 12: 82. 1869. - Dicranum lamelline...
8. Campylopus pilifer Brid., Muscol. Recent, Suppl. 4: 72. 1819. Lectotype (Gradstein & Sipman 1978)...
3. Campylopus bryotropii Frahm, Nova Hedwigia 39: 152. 1984. Type: Peru, Ancash, Laguna Llanganuco, ...
7. Campylopus luteus (Müll. Hal.) Paris, Index Bryol. 254. 1894. - Thysanomitrium luteum Müll. Hal....
Of the 65 species of Campylopus known from tropical America, 33 are andine in distribution, 16 are f...
There are 26 species of Campylopus in Central America. They are divided into three groups on the bas...
This paper is a preliminary account of investigations on species of Campylopus, mainly from the high...
10. Campylopus savannarum (Müll. Hal.) Mitt., J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 12: 85. 1869. - Dicranum savannaru...
13. Campylopus trachyblepharon (Müll. Hal.)Mitt., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 12: 80. 1869. - Dicmnum trach...
1. Campylopus angustiretis (Austin) Lesq. & James, Man. Mosses N. America 80. 1884. - Dicranum angu...
11. Campylopus subcuspidatus (Hampe) A. Jaeger, Ber. St. Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges. 2: 441. 1872. -...
4. Campylopus cubensis Sull., Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 5: 278. 1861 Type; Cuba, Wright 39 (NY) - Camp...
2. Campylopus arctocarpus (Hornsch.)Mitt., J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 12: 87. 1869. - Dicranum arctocarpus ...
9. Campylopus richardii Bud., Muscol. Recent. Suppl. 4: 73. 1819. Type: Guadeloupe, Parker s.n. (B)....
5. Campylopus dichrostis (Müll. Hal.) Paris in Engler & Prantl, Nat, Pfianzenfam. 1 (3): 333. 1901. ...
6. Campylopus lamellinervis (Müll. Hal.)Mitt., J. Linn. Soc Bot. 12: 82. 1869. - Dicranum lamelline...
8. Campylopus pilifer Brid., Muscol. Recent, Suppl. 4: 72. 1819. Lectotype (Gradstein & Sipman 1978)...
3. Campylopus bryotropii Frahm, Nova Hedwigia 39: 152. 1984. Type: Peru, Ancash, Laguna Llanganuco, ...
7. Campylopus luteus (Müll. Hal.) Paris, Index Bryol. 254. 1894. - Thysanomitrium luteum Müll. Hal....
Of the 65 species of Campylopus known from tropical America, 33 are andine in distribution, 16 are f...
There are 26 species of Campylopus in Central America. They are divided into three groups on the bas...
This paper is a preliminary account of investigations on species of Campylopus, mainly from the high...