Genus Palaeoneda Crotch Palaeoneda Crotch, 1871: 5. Type species: Neda auriculata Mulsant, 1866: 195 (by subsequent designation of Crotch 1874: 178) (= Coccinella miniata Hope, 1831: 30). Diagnosis. Form large, dorsum strongly convex and glabrous. Anterior clypeal margin of head semicircularly emarginate between lateral projections. Pronotum with sides nearly straight, anterolateral angles acutely pointed. Elytra with anterior margin much broader than pronotum, broadest at base, narrowed towards apex in posterior half, lateral margins broadly explanate. Mesoventrite medially deeply emarginate. Epipleura wide but not foveolate. Abdominal postcoxal line incomplete with an associated line. Distribution. Eastern Himalayas (India; Nepa...