Halyzia Mulsant

Publication date
August 2023


Genus Halyzia Mulsant (Fig. 76) Halyzia Mulsant, 1846: 141, 148. Type species: Coccinella sedecimguttata Linnaeus, 1758: 367, by subsequent designation of Crotch 1874: 131. Diagnosis. Medium to large sized beetles, coloration usually dull orange to straw yellow with other patterns or spots. Form broadly oval, moderately convex. Clypeal margin of head without distinct lateral projections. Mandibles apically multidentate, with a series of small serrations on apical ventral tooth, rarely bifid. Antenna (Fig. 76a) very long, loosely segmented, with 11 antennomeres, antennomeres 9–11 forming a loose club. Terminal maxillary palpomere (Fig. 76b) securiform, narrow basally, apical one-third widest. Terminal labial palpomere not as stout...

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