OpenStreetMap (OSM, is the largest, most complete and most up-to-date crowdsourced geospatial dataset in the world, including a wide variety of vector features at various levels of detail. Almost 6 million users have created an OpenStreetMap account and about 5000 of them, on average, are contributing data on a daily basis. The fact that anybody can contribute and update information in OSM and that the database is openly-licensed, makes data reuse straightforward and stimulating to build third-party applications. However, although OSMderived basemaps are currently used by many popular applications (e.g. Foursquare, Strava and Facebook), the details of OSM data structure, the ease of contributing data and the possi...
More educated people, with more sophisticated devices, are creating new trends: crowded source data ...
These slides were presented at State of the Map 2017 conference in Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan (http://201...
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a community-based, freely available, editable map service created as an alter...
The beginning of our century has seen the rise of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) and crowdsourc...
OpenStreetMap (OSM, is currently the largest, richest, most complete ...
While there is now a considerable variety of sources of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) ava...
Recent years have seen new ways of collecting geographic information via the crowd rather than organ...
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is the largest and best-known example of geospatial data creation using Voluntee...
This paper is an Editorial for the Special Issue titled “OpenStreetMap as a multidisciplinary nexus:...
Location-based mobile services/applications are becoming more and more popular both on the web and...
Volunteered geographic information (VGI), as a special subset of crowdsourcing, has provoked interes...
This paper is an Editorial for the Special Issue titled “OpenStreetMap as a multidisciplinary nexus:...
This paper is an Editorial for the Special Issue titled “OpenStreetMap as a multidisciplinary nexus:...
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), as a special subset of crowdsourcing, has provoked intere...
More educated people, with more sophisticated devices, are creating new trends: crowded source data ...
These slides were presented at State of the Map 2017 conference in Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan (http://201...
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a community-based, freely available, editable map service created as an alter...
The beginning of our century has seen the rise of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) and crowdsourc...
OpenStreetMap (OSM, is currently the largest, richest, most complete ...
While there is now a considerable variety of sources of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) ava...
Recent years have seen new ways of collecting geographic information via the crowd rather than organ...
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is the largest and best-known example of geospatial data creation using Voluntee...
This paper is an Editorial for the Special Issue titled “OpenStreetMap as a multidisciplinary nexus:...
Location-based mobile services/applications are becoming more and more popular both on the web and...
Volunteered geographic information (VGI), as a special subset of crowdsourcing, has provoked interes...
This paper is an Editorial for the Special Issue titled “OpenStreetMap as a multidisciplinary nexus:...
This paper is an Editorial for the Special Issue titled “OpenStreetMap as a multidisciplinary nexus:...
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), as a special subset of crowdsourcing, has provoked intere...
More educated people, with more sophisticated devices, are creating new trends: crowded source data ...
These slides were presented at State of the Map 2017 conference in Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan (http://201...
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a community-based, freely available, editable map service created as an alter...