42.Hemiptarsenus semialbiclavus (Girault). Hemiptarsenoideus semialbiclava Girault, Queensland Mus., Mem. 5: 220, 1917. Orote Peninsula, May 24, ex corn leafminer, Swezey; Piti, Aug. 9, 17, ex leafminer, Agromyza spicata in corn, Swezey; Asan, Aug. 22, ex leafminer in hamlat, Swezey; Piti, Nov. 7, ex bean leafminer,. Swezey. Thirty-nine specimens, 18 retained in U. S. National Museum.Published as part of Swezey, O. H., 1946, Notes On Some Guam Chalcidoidea, pp. 211-219 in Insects of Guam II, Honolulu, Hawaii :Bernice P. Bishop Museum on page 216, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.517351
Moulton, Dudley (1942): Thysanoptera: Thrips of Guam. In: Insects of Guam I. Bernice P. Bishop Museu...
1.Formicomus (Anthelephilus) imperator (Laferte). Anthelephilus imperator Laferte, Monogr., 66, p...
47. Polytus mellerborgi (Boheman) (pl. 6,/). Sitophilus niellerborgi Boheman, in Schoenherr's Gen...
Swezey, O. H. (1946): Notes On Some Guam Chalcidoidea. In: Insects of Guam II. Honolulu, Hawaii: Ber...
33.Elasmus philippinensis Ashmead, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 28: 138, 1904. Recorded by Fullaway ...
42. Peregrinator biannulipes (Montrouzier and Signoret). Opsicoetus biannulipes Montrouzier and Si...
3.Phloeonomus hebridensis Bernhauer, Stylops 3: 18, 1934. Upi Trail, May 5, ex fig on ground, S...
16.Camptorhinus dorsalis (Boisduval) (pl. 2, B). Cryptorhynchus dorsalis Boisduval, Voy. Astrolab...
20.Triglyphothrix striatidens (Emery). Tetrantorium obeswm race striatidens Emery, Mus. civ. stor...
Fullaway, D. T. (1946): Hymenoptera, New Species Of Guam Chalcidoidea. In: Insects of Guam II. Hono...
*3. Alphitobius laevigatus (Fabricius). Opatruin laevigatum Fabricius, Spec. Ins. 1: 90, 1781. ...
45.Cimex hemipterus (Fabricius). Acanthia hemiptera Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng., 113, 1803. Agana,...
Usinger, Robert L. (1946): Hemiptera Heteroptera of Guam. In: Insects of Guam II. Honolulu, Hawaii: ...
Swezey, O. H. (1946): Notes On Some Fulgoroidea Of Guam. In: Insects of Guam II. Honolulu, Hawaii: ...
1.Cryptamorpha desjardinsi (Guerin). Psammoerns desjardinsi Guerin, le. Regn. An. Ins., 196, 1829...
Moulton, Dudley (1942): Thysanoptera: Thrips of Guam. In: Insects of Guam I. Bernice P. Bishop Museu...
1.Formicomus (Anthelephilus) imperator (Laferte). Anthelephilus imperator Laferte, Monogr., 66, p...
47. Polytus mellerborgi (Boheman) (pl. 6,/). Sitophilus niellerborgi Boheman, in Schoenherr's Gen...
Swezey, O. H. (1946): Notes On Some Guam Chalcidoidea. In: Insects of Guam II. Honolulu, Hawaii: Ber...
33.Elasmus philippinensis Ashmead, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. 28: 138, 1904. Recorded by Fullaway ...
42. Peregrinator biannulipes (Montrouzier and Signoret). Opsicoetus biannulipes Montrouzier and Si...
3.Phloeonomus hebridensis Bernhauer, Stylops 3: 18, 1934. Upi Trail, May 5, ex fig on ground, S...
16.Camptorhinus dorsalis (Boisduval) (pl. 2, B). Cryptorhynchus dorsalis Boisduval, Voy. Astrolab...
20.Triglyphothrix striatidens (Emery). Tetrantorium obeswm race striatidens Emery, Mus. civ. stor...
Fullaway, D. T. (1946): Hymenoptera, New Species Of Guam Chalcidoidea. In: Insects of Guam II. Hono...
*3. Alphitobius laevigatus (Fabricius). Opatruin laevigatum Fabricius, Spec. Ins. 1: 90, 1781. ...
45.Cimex hemipterus (Fabricius). Acanthia hemiptera Fabricius, Syst. Rhyng., 113, 1803. Agana,...
Usinger, Robert L. (1946): Hemiptera Heteroptera of Guam. In: Insects of Guam II. Honolulu, Hawaii: ...
Swezey, O. H. (1946): Notes On Some Fulgoroidea Of Guam. In: Insects of Guam II. Honolulu, Hawaii: ...
1.Cryptamorpha desjardinsi (Guerin). Psammoerns desjardinsi Guerin, le. Regn. An. Ins., 196, 1829...
Moulton, Dudley (1942): Thysanoptera: Thrips of Guam. In: Insects of Guam I. Bernice P. Bishop Museu...
1.Formicomus (Anthelephilus) imperator (Laferte). Anthelephilus imperator Laferte, Monogr., 66, p...
47. Polytus mellerborgi (Boheman) (pl. 6,/). Sitophilus niellerborgi Boheman, in Schoenherr's Gen...