Prostitution is an activity that has a very long history in human civilization. Along with the times, today's prostitution activities also adjust to the development of information and communication technology which makes prostitution activities increasingly difficult to limit. Prostitution activities are only regulated in the Criminal Code which can only be imposed on pimps. Meanwhile, other parties such as users and providers of prostitution services who are involved in these activities have not yet received legal regulations that can ensnare them. Penalties regulated in the Criminal Code and the Law define punishment only for service providers or pimps. The Criminal Code and the Law do not regulate the provisions for sentencing service us...
The practice of online prostitution that is happening right now is believed to be due to the rapid d...
Cybercrime is one of the forms or dimensions of contemporary evil that is one of the dark sides of t...
The role of Police in tackling online prostitutions is aimed to determine wheter the efforts and con...
In the pandemic era, technology is one way to do activities to facilitate a human activity, the lega...
Prostitution cases have emerged as a phenomenon having continuously loaded with law enforcement acti...
Prostitution is behavior that is openly subject to adultery without any marriage bond. Nowadays pros...
Arrangements regarding the prohibition of online prostitution has beenformulated clearly in positive...
Prostitution is a phenomenon that has existed for a long time in the world, Indonesia is no excepti...
Straubhaar said that the rapid use of the Internet becomes the dominant force leading to the develo...
Online prostitution is a phenomenon that is quite alarming in Indonesia. Encouraged by this phenomen...
The phenomenon of prostitution can be said as a crime, where that prostitutiom was activities and a...
The criminal responsibility system for the crime of prostitution in Indonesia is partial and discrim...
106 HalamanPerkembangan Iptek dan Informasi Internet telah membawa dampak pada perkembangan kejahata...
Crime in cyberspace is one of the crimes in which the offender can be subject to a crime according t...
The practice of online prostitution that is happening right now is believed to be due to the rapid d...
The practice of online prostitution that is happening right now is believed to be due to the rapid d...
Cybercrime is one of the forms or dimensions of contemporary evil that is one of the dark sides of t...
The role of Police in tackling online prostitutions is aimed to determine wheter the efforts and con...
In the pandemic era, technology is one way to do activities to facilitate a human activity, the lega...
Prostitution cases have emerged as a phenomenon having continuously loaded with law enforcement acti...
Prostitution is behavior that is openly subject to adultery without any marriage bond. Nowadays pros...
Arrangements regarding the prohibition of online prostitution has beenformulated clearly in positive...
Prostitution is a phenomenon that has existed for a long time in the world, Indonesia is no excepti...
Straubhaar said that the rapid use of the Internet becomes the dominant force leading to the develo...
Online prostitution is a phenomenon that is quite alarming in Indonesia. Encouraged by this phenomen...
The phenomenon of prostitution can be said as a crime, where that prostitutiom was activities and a...
The criminal responsibility system for the crime of prostitution in Indonesia is partial and discrim...
106 HalamanPerkembangan Iptek dan Informasi Internet telah membawa dampak pada perkembangan kejahata...
Crime in cyberspace is one of the crimes in which the offender can be subject to a crime according t...
The practice of online prostitution that is happening right now is believed to be due to the rapid d...
The practice of online prostitution that is happening right now is believed to be due to the rapid d...
Cybercrime is one of the forms or dimensions of contemporary evil that is one of the dark sides of t...
The role of Police in tackling online prostitutions is aimed to determine wheter the efforts and con...