Composition by departments of Sarcophaginae species collected in the Colombian Guajira province : Data type: occurenc
Neighbor-joining tree of DNA barcodes from ACG inventory Trigonospila as of January, 2015. The inven...
Nests of Chamaeza campanisona found during the study period (1986–2016) with their respective charac...
FIGURES 1–6. 1–2. Inundanted forest of Vila de Calafate. 1. Margin of forest. 2. Inside of forest. 3...
Andrade-Herrera, Kepler Nils, Mello-Patiu, Cátia Antunes de (2022): Contribution to the knowledge of...
Mosquito specimens collected in Uraba during 2009 (unpublish data): Explanation note: Additional seq...
Fig. 13. Dexosarcophaga pallida sp. nov., ♂, paratype (NHRS [lost]), Colombia, Caquetá, Chiribiquete...
Figure 6. Diversity profiles by the ordering of Rényi series for each environment and each study are...
Figure 7. Jaccard and Bray-Curtis dissimilarity values calculated from (A) occurrence data and (B) a...
Neighbor-joining tree of ACG Itaplectops as of January, 2015. The inventory is ongoing, and as new s...
COI mosquito sequences downloaded from NCBI and BOLD: Explanation note: Sequences from NCBI and BOLD...
Outgroup taxa used in the present study: Explanation note: Outgroup taxa used in the present study. ...
Table S1. Taxa recorded in madicolous habitats from Atlantic Forest in Southeastern Brazil : E...
<div><p>ABSTRACT Sarcophaginae is the most diverse subfamily of Sarcophagidae with 51 genera and mor...
ML tree based on 1,292 sequences of Neotropical mosquitoes: Explanation note: Original Maximum likel...
Abstract: Temporal changes of flesh flies abundance were simultaneously recorded at monthly interval...
Neighbor-joining tree of DNA barcodes from ACG inventory Trigonospila as of January, 2015. The inven...
Nests of Chamaeza campanisona found during the study period (1986–2016) with their respective charac...
FIGURES 1–6. 1–2. Inundanted forest of Vila de Calafate. 1. Margin of forest. 2. Inside of forest. 3...
Andrade-Herrera, Kepler Nils, Mello-Patiu, Cátia Antunes de (2022): Contribution to the knowledge of...
Mosquito specimens collected in Uraba during 2009 (unpublish data): Explanation note: Additional seq...
Fig. 13. Dexosarcophaga pallida sp. nov., ♂, paratype (NHRS [lost]), Colombia, Caquetá, Chiribiquete...
Figure 6. Diversity profiles by the ordering of Rényi series for each environment and each study are...
Figure 7. Jaccard and Bray-Curtis dissimilarity values calculated from (A) occurrence data and (B) a...
Neighbor-joining tree of ACG Itaplectops as of January, 2015. The inventory is ongoing, and as new s...
COI mosquito sequences downloaded from NCBI and BOLD: Explanation note: Sequences from NCBI and BOLD...
Outgroup taxa used in the present study: Explanation note: Outgroup taxa used in the present study. ...
Table S1. Taxa recorded in madicolous habitats from Atlantic Forest in Southeastern Brazil : E...
<div><p>ABSTRACT Sarcophaginae is the most diverse subfamily of Sarcophagidae with 51 genera and mor...
ML tree based on 1,292 sequences of Neotropical mosquitoes: Explanation note: Original Maximum likel...
Abstract: Temporal changes of flesh flies abundance were simultaneously recorded at monthly interval...
Neighbor-joining tree of DNA barcodes from ACG inventory Trigonospila as of January, 2015. The inven...
Nests of Chamaeza campanisona found during the study period (1986–2016) with their respective charac...
FIGURES 1–6. 1–2. Inundanted forest of Vila de Calafate. 1. Margin of forest. 2. Inside of forest. 3...