Spectropolarimetric surveys have now been running for long enough to reveal solar-like magnetic activity cycles, e.g., for 61 Cyg A (Boko Saikia et al. 2018). Our work examines if a solar-like cycle can be observed with ZDI, given that this technique only detects the large-scale field for very slowly-rotating and low-activity stars like our Sun. We aim to determine the best strategy to detect stellar cycles, and which parameters are most sensitive to cycle changes. This poster presents our paper: Lehmann, L. T., et al., 2021, MNRAS, 500, 1243 (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021MNRAS.500.1243L)LTL acknowledges support from the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) prize studentship and the University of St Andrews Higgs students...