Caracterización del sector helicícola andaluz: la captura de caracoles terrestres en Andalucía occidental

  • Arrébola, José
  • Porras, Ana I.
  • Cárcaba, Ángel
  • Ruiz, Antonio
Publication date
June 2004


The global and rational management of the natural resource “terrestrial snails”, in terms of conservation and sustainable exploitation, requires to characterize naturally, socially, economically and culturally the sector “helicicola” that supports. At present work, all such aspects in relation with the gathering of snails as food are studied in Western Andalucía (SW. of Spain). The most abundant captured species are Theba pisana (Müller, 1774), Otala lactea (Müller, 1774) and Cantareus aspersus (Müller, 1774), and the main geographical areas where this activity take place are Las Marismas (Sevilla), La Janda (Cádiz) and El Campo de Gibraltar (Cádiz) counties, for T. pisana, and the county of Sierra (Cádiz) and its surrounds for O. lactea. I...

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