76. Knud’s Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus canuti French: Rhinolophe de Knud /German: Knud-Andersen-Hufeisennase / Spanish: Herradura de Knud Other common names: Canut's Horseshoe Bat, Canuti Horseshoe Bat Taxonomy. Rhinolophus canuti Thomas & Wroughton, 1909, “ Island ofJava,” Indonesia. Restricted by O. Thomas and R.. Wroughton in 1909 to “Kalipoetjang, Tji-Tandoei River, S.Java.” Rhinolophus canuti is included in the euryotis species group and is probably related to. creaghi and R arcuatus, although it has not yet been included in any phylogenetic studies. Two subspecies recognized. Subspecies and Distribution. . c. canuti Thomas & Wroughton, 1909 — Java (three localities), and Nusa Barong ail'd Bali Is. . c. timoren...