Caranx rhonchus Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1817 —False scad Taxonomy. First record from Lebanon as Caranx rhonchus Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1809 by George et al. (1964: 19); subsequently recorded as Caranx rhonchus Geoffroy St Hil. by Mouneimné (1977: 63); as Caranx rhonchus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1817 by Mouneimné (2002: 143). Recent unpublished records from Okaibeh (5 October 2006). Material in collection: ANSP, AUBM, BMNH, CAS, MCZ and USNM (as Decapterus rhonchus). Distribution. Southern and eastern Mediterranean Sea, eastern Atlantic: Morocco south to Namibia. Conservation. IUCN: Global (LC: 10 May 2013); Med. (LC: 16 November 2007). Capture and threats: FIT, FIB, HAB, NIS, unknown. Occurrence: Rare. Low priority for conservation action.Pu...