Distribution. From the Niger River in S Nigeria E through Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Republic of the Congo, and then S of the Congo River through DR Congo as far E as Irneti and as far S as N Angola.Published as part of Russell A. Mittermeier, Anthony B. Rylands & Don E. Wilson, 2013, Lorisidae, pp. 210-220 in Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 3 Primates, Barcelona :Lynx Edicions on page 213, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.663264
Distribution. NE DR Congo, N & E the Congo and Lualaba rivers, and one locality in SW Cameroon (Lolo...
Distribution. DR Congo (E and S of the Ubangi River and N of the Congo River), W Rwanda, and W Burun...
Distribution. Cameroon S of Sanaga River, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, SW Central African Republic, and...
Distribution. Cameroon (S Sanaga River) S and E to the Congo/Ubangiriver system in Central African R...
Distribution. W Central Africa, from SW Cameroon (E Niger River) to S Nigeria (Sanaga River).Publish...
Distribution. E DR Congo, E & S of the Ubangi River and N & E of the Congo River, extending E of the...
Distribution. Sanaga River in NW Cameroon, through Equatorial Guinea, SW Central African Republic, a...
Distribution. Nigeria (E of Cross River) to W Central African Republic and DR Congo (E to Lisala), S...
Distribution. Benin and Nigeria to Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, PR Congo, ...
Distribution. C DR Congo in the basin formed by the Congo River to the N and W, bounded by the Luala...
Distribution. Primary forested regions of Cameroon (S of the Sanaga River), Equatorial Guinea, Gabon...
Distribution. SE Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, PR Congo, an...
Distribution. SW DR Congo (E of the Congo River) and NW Angola.Published as part of Don E. Wilson, R...
Distribution. NW DR Congo and NE Republic of the Congo, in lowland forests of the Congo Basin on bot...
Distribution. DR Congo E of the Congo River and S of the great bend of the river, the E limit is not...
Distribution. NE DR Congo, N & E the Congo and Lualaba rivers, and one locality in SW Cameroon (Lolo...
Distribution. DR Congo (E and S of the Ubangi River and N of the Congo River), W Rwanda, and W Burun...
Distribution. Cameroon S of Sanaga River, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, SW Central African Republic, and...
Distribution. Cameroon (S Sanaga River) S and E to the Congo/Ubangiriver system in Central African R...
Distribution. W Central Africa, from SW Cameroon (E Niger River) to S Nigeria (Sanaga River).Publish...
Distribution. E DR Congo, E & S of the Ubangi River and N & E of the Congo River, extending E of the...
Distribution. Sanaga River in NW Cameroon, through Equatorial Guinea, SW Central African Republic, a...
Distribution. Nigeria (E of Cross River) to W Central African Republic and DR Congo (E to Lisala), S...
Distribution. Benin and Nigeria to Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, PR Congo, ...
Distribution. C DR Congo in the basin formed by the Congo River to the N and W, bounded by the Luala...
Distribution. Primary forested regions of Cameroon (S of the Sanaga River), Equatorial Guinea, Gabon...
Distribution. SE Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, PR Congo, an...
Distribution. SW DR Congo (E of the Congo River) and NW Angola.Published as part of Don E. Wilson, R...
Distribution. NW DR Congo and NE Republic of the Congo, in lowland forests of the Congo Basin on bot...
Distribution. DR Congo E of the Congo River and S of the great bend of the river, the E limit is not...
Distribution. NE DR Congo, N & E the Congo and Lualaba rivers, and one locality in SW Cameroon (Lolo...
Distribution. DR Congo (E and S of the Ubangi River and N of the Congo River), W Rwanda, and W Burun...
Distribution. Cameroon S of Sanaga River, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, SW Central African Republic, and...