This is the release for initial Zenodo referenceIf you use this software, please cite it as below
First release used in production and meant to be archived on Zenodo for reproducibility and citabili...
This release is identical to v1.2, but a new release was needed for the Zenodo citation
Initial release to get a Zenodo DOI before submitting VIDIMU-TOOLS repository for peer-review
Bump release version for Zenodo DOIIf you use this software, please cite it using the metadata from ...
This is a test release for the purpose of setting up ZenodoIf you use this software, please cite it ...
Releasing and tagging in Zenodo for a DOIIf you use this software, please cite it using the metadata...
This release addresses the integration Assets JuPedSim-0.9.3-Darwin.dmg JuPedSim-0.9...
The Zenodo Release Action is a GitHub workflow for updating your software archive on releases (thus ...
Update readme Update db connectionIf you use this software, please cite it as below
BSO toolbox version v0.9.1. This is a pre-release and may not yet be complete. This release is the s...
First release used in production and meant to be archived on Zenodo for reproducibility and citabili...
This release is identical to v1.2, but a new release was needed for the Zenodo citation
Release to trigger Zenodo archival"If you use this software, please cite it as below.
The DARIAH contrib tool is already in use for several years. This release is arbitrary, meant to tri...
Release for Zenodo Full Changelog:
First release used in production and meant to be archived on Zenodo for reproducibility and citabili...
This release is identical to v1.2, but a new release was needed for the Zenodo citation
Initial release to get a Zenodo DOI before submitting VIDIMU-TOOLS repository for peer-review
Bump release version for Zenodo DOIIf you use this software, please cite it using the metadata from ...
This is a test release for the purpose of setting up ZenodoIf you use this software, please cite it ...
Releasing and tagging in Zenodo for a DOIIf you use this software, please cite it using the metadata...
This release addresses the integration Assets JuPedSim-0.9.3-Darwin.dmg JuPedSim-0.9...
The Zenodo Release Action is a GitHub workflow for updating your software archive on releases (thus ...
Update readme Update db connectionIf you use this software, please cite it as below
BSO toolbox version v0.9.1. This is a pre-release and may not yet be complete. This release is the s...
First release used in production and meant to be archived on Zenodo for reproducibility and citabili...
This release is identical to v1.2, but a new release was needed for the Zenodo citation
Release to trigger Zenodo archival"If you use this software, please cite it as below.
The DARIAH contrib tool is already in use for several years. This release is arbitrary, meant to tri...
Release for Zenodo Full Changelog:
First release used in production and meant to be archived on Zenodo for reproducibility and citabili...
This release is identical to v1.2, but a new release was needed for the Zenodo citation
Initial release to get a Zenodo DOI before submitting VIDIMU-TOOLS repository for peer-review