Alluvial diagram showing the distribution of introduction pathways across impact categorie
Descriptions of socio-economic explanatory variables considered at the country level as potential co...
Scoring of the impact : Explanation note: Scoring of environmental and socioeconomi impact. Fi...
Listing of the 2750 introduced or invasive alien species with accepted names in Franc
CBD principal introduction pathways for terrestrial invasive alien species of Greece per different c...
CBD principal introduction pathways for marine invasive alien species of Greece per different catego...
CBD principal introduction pathways for freshwater invasive alien species of Greece per different ca...
The current paper presents the first effort to organize a comprehensive review of the Invasive Alien...
Alien species studied in the 56 original articles.: Explanation note: Alien species studied in the 5...
Distribution of alien species assessed in this study : Explanation note: Distribution in Turke...
Temporal trends in invasion costs considering all and reliable observed data (i.e. excluding irrepro...
Root-mean-square errors (RMSE) corresponding to models of temporal trends in invasion cost
Risk maps for all eight study species.: Explanation note: Risk maps for all eight study species deri...
Map of Europe showing (a) the number of alien species, (b) the number of researchers at a scale of t...
Description of the impacted sector categories considered in analyses of European invasion cost
List of references : Explanation note: List of references used for scoring the impact of the s...
Descriptions of socio-economic explanatory variables considered at the country level as potential co...
Scoring of the impact : Explanation note: Scoring of environmental and socioeconomi impact. Fi...
Listing of the 2750 introduced or invasive alien species with accepted names in Franc
CBD principal introduction pathways for terrestrial invasive alien species of Greece per different c...
CBD principal introduction pathways for marine invasive alien species of Greece per different catego...
CBD principal introduction pathways for freshwater invasive alien species of Greece per different ca...
The current paper presents the first effort to organize a comprehensive review of the Invasive Alien...
Alien species studied in the 56 original articles.: Explanation note: Alien species studied in the 5...
Distribution of alien species assessed in this study : Explanation note: Distribution in Turke...
Temporal trends in invasion costs considering all and reliable observed data (i.e. excluding irrepro...
Root-mean-square errors (RMSE) corresponding to models of temporal trends in invasion cost
Risk maps for all eight study species.: Explanation note: Risk maps for all eight study species deri...
Map of Europe showing (a) the number of alien species, (b) the number of researchers at a scale of t...
Description of the impacted sector categories considered in analyses of European invasion cost
List of references : Explanation note: List of references used for scoring the impact of the s...
Descriptions of socio-economic explanatory variables considered at the country level as potential co...
Scoring of the impact : Explanation note: Scoring of environmental and socioeconomi impact. Fi...
Listing of the 2750 introduced or invasive alien species with accepted names in Franc