FIGURE 3. Correlogram showing the Spearman correlations among the coral (top 2 lines, left 2 columns) and brittle star (bottom 9 lines, right 9 columns) variables. Lower panel: blue gradient indicating a positive correlation (dark blue meaning high correlation) and red gradient indicating a negative correlation (dark red meaning a strong negative correlation). Diagonal: probability density functions for individual variables. Upper panel: biplots corresponding to each variable pair. Sample sizes: n=10 for lines 1–2, n=52 for lines 3–5 (with data on oral and aboral sides of the ophiuroids, see methods), n=124 for lines 6–10 (with data on aboral side only, see methods).Published as part of Cook, Isobel, Okanishi, Masanori & Pante, Eric, 2023, ...
FIGURE 4. a–c: Bathyarca pectunculoides (Scacchi, 1835); RV (a, b) and LV (c), sample BC72, scale ba...
FIGURE 7. Heteropathes cf. americana: a, G73229, entire corallum; b, G61967, section of an anterior ...
FIGURE 3. Ophioderma januarii ZUEC OPH 2202 (7.9 mm dd). (A) Dorsal view. (B) Ventral view. (C) Deta...
FIGURE 4. Ophiuroid radial shield length (top) and PC1 summarizing overall ophiuroid size(bottom) as...
FIGURE 1. Map of study area with sampling site of 130 octocoral / ophiuroid pairs (station CP5052), ...
FIGURE 2. Maximum likelihood tree based on partial 16S sequences for the genera Asteroschema, Ophioc...
Cook, Isobel, Okanishi, Masanori, Pante, Eric (2023): Growth in two deep-sea associates: the octocor...
FIGURE 3. A–B, Crispatotrochus cornu, PAT0209DR16, calicular and lateral views of corallum. C–G, Mon...
FIGURE 27. MNRJ 8600, MNRJ 8595: Parantipathes helicosticha Opresko, 1999. a 214 (MNRJ 8600)—Corallu...
FIGURE 4. Summaries of statistics for sets of measurements of microrhabds from Theonella deliqua n. ...
Figure 3 Swiftiakofoidi [? Swiftiapacifica] (thicker dark red "morph"), SBMNH 232036. A Colony measu...
Figure 1. A, molecular phylogeny from MrBayes. Node labels are posterior probability support values....
FIGURE 3. a, b: Lampophyton spinatum n. sp., holotype, RMNH Coel. 40198 (SAF164); b, close-up of pol...
FIGURE 3. Representative cnidae from Anthopleura mariscali, new species. Scale bar = 20 m; refer to ...
FIGURE 4. A. Box plots from the distribution and variance of surface cortex (n = 10) sclerites of th...
FIGURE 4. a–c: Bathyarca pectunculoides (Scacchi, 1835); RV (a, b) and LV (c), sample BC72, scale ba...
FIGURE 7. Heteropathes cf. americana: a, G73229, entire corallum; b, G61967, section of an anterior ...
FIGURE 3. Ophioderma januarii ZUEC OPH 2202 (7.9 mm dd). (A) Dorsal view. (B) Ventral view. (C) Deta...
FIGURE 4. Ophiuroid radial shield length (top) and PC1 summarizing overall ophiuroid size(bottom) as...
FIGURE 1. Map of study area with sampling site of 130 octocoral / ophiuroid pairs (station CP5052), ...
FIGURE 2. Maximum likelihood tree based on partial 16S sequences for the genera Asteroschema, Ophioc...
Cook, Isobel, Okanishi, Masanori, Pante, Eric (2023): Growth in two deep-sea associates: the octocor...
FIGURE 3. A–B, Crispatotrochus cornu, PAT0209DR16, calicular and lateral views of corallum. C–G, Mon...
FIGURE 27. MNRJ 8600, MNRJ 8595: Parantipathes helicosticha Opresko, 1999. a 214 (MNRJ 8600)—Corallu...
FIGURE 4. Summaries of statistics for sets of measurements of microrhabds from Theonella deliqua n. ...
Figure 3 Swiftiakofoidi [? Swiftiapacifica] (thicker dark red "morph"), SBMNH 232036. A Colony measu...
Figure 1. A, molecular phylogeny from MrBayes. Node labels are posterior probability support values....
FIGURE 3. a, b: Lampophyton spinatum n. sp., holotype, RMNH Coel. 40198 (SAF164); b, close-up of pol...
FIGURE 3. Representative cnidae from Anthopleura mariscali, new species. Scale bar = 20 m; refer to ...
FIGURE 4. A. Box plots from the distribution and variance of surface cortex (n = 10) sclerites of th...
FIGURE 4. a–c: Bathyarca pectunculoides (Scacchi, 1835); RV (a, b) and LV (c), sample BC72, scale ba...
FIGURE 7. Heteropathes cf. americana: a, G73229, entire corallum; b, G61967, section of an anterior ...
FIGURE 3. Ophioderma januarii ZUEC OPH 2202 (7.9 mm dd). (A) Dorsal view. (B) Ventral view. (C) Deta...