Distribution. S in Bovidae

  • Don E. Wilson
  • Russell A. Mittermeier
Publication date
August 2011
Lynx Edicions


Distribution. S Mali, Ivory Coast, C & S Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Benin, extreme SW & SE Niger, Nigeria (except the extreme N), C & N Cameroon, S Chad, W & C Central African Republic, perhaps extreme NW & W DR Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, S Republic of the Congo, and extreme SW DR Congo (N of the Congo River). The boundary between the Central Bushbuck and the Nile Bushbuck (7: bor), as depicted here based largely on recent morphometric analyses of museum specimens, may be too far east because recent genetic analyses suggest that the Nile Bushbuck can occur further west into the Central Africa Republic and southern Chad. More research is required to clearly establish the ranges of these two taxa.Published as part of Don E. Wilson & Rus...

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