GridapEmbedded v0.8.2 Diff since v0.8.1 Closed issues: Getting the boundary triangulation from the physical triangulation (#66) Merged pull requests: Fixing vcat usage to generate bboxes (#67) (@ericneiva) Moment fitted machinery (#68) (@pmartorell) Remove requirements section from readme (#69) (@pmartorell) Add MiniQhull v0.4 (#70) (@pmartorell
GridapPETSc v0.4.4 Diff since v0.4.3 Closed issues: Add test associated with the fix in PR #75 (#78...
GridapODEs v0.8.0 Diff since v0.7.0 Closed issues: Example code solve bug (#60) Merged pull reques...
GridapPETSc v0.4.3 Diff since v0.4.2 Merged pull requests: Fix convert from PSparseMatrix to PetscM...
GridapEmbedded v0.8.1 Diff since v0.8.0 Closed issues: Shape derivative (#51) Merged pull requests...
GridapDistributed v0.2.0 Diff since v0.1.0 Closed issues: Use mpiexecjl (#56) Merged pull requests...
GridapEmbedded v0.8.0 Diff since v0.7.0 Closed issues: Errors for FSI problem (#48) (Re-)Computing ...
GridapDistributed v0.2.4 Diff since v0.2.3 Merged pull requests: Bug-fix generate gids FE space (#6...
GridapDistributed v0.2.8 Diff since v0.2.7 Closed issues: Bug: Integration of HDiv terms on Skeleto...
STLCutters v0.1.5 Diff since v0.1.4 Closed issues: TagBot trigger issue (#9) Merged pull requests:...
GridapDistributed v0.2.1 Diff since v0.2.0 Merged pull requests: Added num_cells to DistributedDisc...
GridapODEs v0.7.0 Diff since v0.6.0 Closed issues: Add Autodiff machinery for transient FE operator...
GridapDistributed v0.2.3 Diff since v0.2.2 Merged pull requests: Fix Pkg warning (#58) (@fverdugo) ...
GridapDistributed v0.1.0 Closed issues: Extend face labels in CartesianDiscreteModel to distributed...
Gridap v0.12.0 Diff since v0.11.2 Closed issues: TRY "Gridap" ONLINE (#291) TensorProduct and ...
GridapDistributed v0.2.2 Diff since v0.2.1 Merged pull requests: Added new overload for SparseMatri...
GridapPETSc v0.4.4 Diff since v0.4.3 Closed issues: Add test associated with the fix in PR #75 (#78...
GridapODEs v0.8.0 Diff since v0.7.0 Closed issues: Example code solve bug (#60) Merged pull reques...
GridapPETSc v0.4.3 Diff since v0.4.2 Merged pull requests: Fix convert from PSparseMatrix to PetscM...
GridapEmbedded v0.8.1 Diff since v0.8.0 Closed issues: Shape derivative (#51) Merged pull requests...
GridapDistributed v0.2.0 Diff since v0.1.0 Closed issues: Use mpiexecjl (#56) Merged pull requests...
GridapEmbedded v0.8.0 Diff since v0.7.0 Closed issues: Errors for FSI problem (#48) (Re-)Computing ...
GridapDistributed v0.2.4 Diff since v0.2.3 Merged pull requests: Bug-fix generate gids FE space (#6...
GridapDistributed v0.2.8 Diff since v0.2.7 Closed issues: Bug: Integration of HDiv terms on Skeleto...
STLCutters v0.1.5 Diff since v0.1.4 Closed issues: TagBot trigger issue (#9) Merged pull requests:...
GridapDistributed v0.2.1 Diff since v0.2.0 Merged pull requests: Added num_cells to DistributedDisc...
GridapODEs v0.7.0 Diff since v0.6.0 Closed issues: Add Autodiff machinery for transient FE operator...
GridapDistributed v0.2.3 Diff since v0.2.2 Merged pull requests: Fix Pkg warning (#58) (@fverdugo) ...
GridapDistributed v0.1.0 Closed issues: Extend face labels in CartesianDiscreteModel to distributed...
Gridap v0.12.0 Diff since v0.11.2 Closed issues: TRY "Gridap" ONLINE (#291) TensorProduct and ...
GridapDistributed v0.2.2 Diff since v0.2.1 Merged pull requests: Added new overload for SparseMatri...
GridapPETSc v0.4.4 Diff since v0.4.3 Closed issues: Add test associated with the fix in PR #75 (#78...
GridapODEs v0.8.0 Diff since v0.7.0 Closed issues: Example code solve bug (#60) Merged pull reques...
GridapPETSc v0.4.3 Diff since v0.4.2 Merged pull requests: Fix convert from PSparseMatrix to PetscM...