Traditionally, most computer-aided composition environments represent a pitch via a number (typically a MIDI note number or its value in midicents), flattening the enharmonic information onto a single real-valued parameter. Although this choice is convenient in many applications, it can be very limiting in any context where diatonicism, to some degree, matters. The latest release of bach, a library for Max dedicated to musical representation and computer-aided composition, introduces a new `pitch' data type, designed to overcome this limitation by representing both diatonic pitches and intervals and supporting standard arithmetic operations. In this article we motivate and detail its implementation and its syntax. As an application, we int...
The harmonic analysis of a musical composition is a fundamental step towards understanding its struc...
In 1981, Deutsch and Feroe proposed a formal language for representing melodic pitch structure that ...
Automatic Music Transcription is an area of active research at the intersection of Computer Science ...
This paper describes and refines the Minimum Cut Pitch Spelling Algorithm, designed for flexible use...
A pitch spelling algorithm predicts the pitch names (e.g., C♯4, B♭5 etc.) of the notes in a passage ...
In this paper, we propose a method for the fundamental task of optimally spelling the pitches of any...
A pitch spelling algorithm predicts the pitch names (e.g., C♯4, B♭5 etc.) of the notes in a passage ...
Compactness and convexity have been shown to represent important principles in music, reflecting a...
Compactness and convexity have been shown to represent important principles in music, reflecting a n...
Computational creativity researchers interested in machine learning approaches to computer compositi...
Pitch-spelling algorithms attempt to compute the correct pitch names (e.g., C#4, Bb5) of the notes ...
Many aspects of computer-based music notation have been previously discussed. The presented thesis d...
Transcription of music refers to the analysis of a music signal in order to produce a parametric rep...
This paper presents algorithms for pitch spelling using the Spiral Array model. Accurate pitch selli...
This paper discusses recent uses of bach automated composer’s helper), a Max library for algorithmic...
The harmonic analysis of a musical composition is a fundamental step towards understanding its struc...
In 1981, Deutsch and Feroe proposed a formal language for representing melodic pitch structure that ...
Automatic Music Transcription is an area of active research at the intersection of Computer Science ...
This paper describes and refines the Minimum Cut Pitch Spelling Algorithm, designed for flexible use...
A pitch spelling algorithm predicts the pitch names (e.g., C♯4, B♭5 etc.) of the notes in a passage ...
In this paper, we propose a method for the fundamental task of optimally spelling the pitches of any...
A pitch spelling algorithm predicts the pitch names (e.g., C♯4, B♭5 etc.) of the notes in a passage ...
Compactness and convexity have been shown to represent important principles in music, reflecting a...
Compactness and convexity have been shown to represent important principles in music, reflecting a n...
Computational creativity researchers interested in machine learning approaches to computer compositi...
Pitch-spelling algorithms attempt to compute the correct pitch names (e.g., C#4, Bb5) of the notes ...
Many aspects of computer-based music notation have been previously discussed. The presented thesis d...
Transcription of music refers to the analysis of a music signal in order to produce a parametric rep...
This paper presents algorithms for pitch spelling using the Spiral Array model. Accurate pitch selli...
This paper discusses recent uses of bach automated composer’s helper), a Max library for algorithmic...
The harmonic analysis of a musical composition is a fundamental step towards understanding its struc...
In 1981, Deutsch and Feroe proposed a formal language for representing melodic pitch structure that ...
Automatic Music Transcription is an area of active research at the intersection of Computer Science ...