3. Striped Hyena Hyaena hyaena French: Hyéne rayée / German: Streifenhyane / Spanish: Hiena rayada Taxonomy. Canis hyaena Linnaeus, 1758, India. Of the extant hyaenids, the Striped Hyena is most closely related to the Brown Hyena, and its lifestyle, reproduction, and social behavior more closely resemble those of Brown Hyenas than those of Spotted Hyenas or Aardwolves. Some authorities provisionally recognize five subspecies, distinguished mainly by differences in size and pelage (hyaena from India, barbara from NW Africa, dubbah from NE Africa, sultana from the Arabian Peninsula, and syriaca from Syria, Asia Minor and the Caucasus). However, other authorities argue that current morphological data and other evidence do not support m...
83. Guereza Colobus guereza French: Colobe guéréza / German: Guereza / Spanish: Colobo guereza...
Mixophyes australis sp. nov. Southern Stuttering Frog (Figs 6, 8, 12) Holotype. AMS R.188750 (A...
Several aspects of variation within the genus Lolium, and more in detail within Lolium perenne (pere...
2. Spotted Hyena Crocuta crocuta French: Hyene tachetée / German: TlUpfelhyane / Spanish: Hiena m...
4. Brown Hyena Parahyaena brunnea French: Hyene brune / German: Braune Hyane / Spanish: Hiena par...
37. Wildcat Felis silvestris French: Chat sauvage / German: Wildkatze / Spanish: Gato montes ...
5. Leopard Panthera pardus French: Léopard / German: Leopard / Spanish: Leopardo [. Taxono...
1. Aardwolf Proteles cristata French: Protele / German: Erdwolf / Spanish: Proteles Taxonomy. V...
25. Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus French: Guépard / German: Gepard / Spanish: Guepardo Taxonomy....
In contrast to the Eastern Palaearctic region a high degree of cryptic diversity was discovered amon...
6. Lion Panthera leo French: Lion / German: Lowe / Spanish: Leon Taxonomy. Felis leo Linnae...
4. Ethiopian Wolf Canis simensis French: Loup d'Abyssinie / German: Athiopien-Wolf / Spanish: Lob...
4. Tiger Panthera tigris French: Tigre / German: Tiger / Spanish: Tigre Other common names:...
16. Eurasian Wild Pig Sus scrofa French: Sanglier d’'Eurasie / German: Wildschwein / Spanish: ...
6. Lar Gibbon Hylobates lar French: Gibbon lar / German: \WeiRhandgibbon / Spanish: Gibén de m...
83. Guereza Colobus guereza French: Colobe guéréza / German: Guereza / Spanish: Colobo guereza...
Mixophyes australis sp. nov. Southern Stuttering Frog (Figs 6, 8, 12) Holotype. AMS R.188750 (A...
Several aspects of variation within the genus Lolium, and more in detail within Lolium perenne (pere...
2. Spotted Hyena Crocuta crocuta French: Hyene tachetée / German: TlUpfelhyane / Spanish: Hiena m...
4. Brown Hyena Parahyaena brunnea French: Hyene brune / German: Braune Hyane / Spanish: Hiena par...
37. Wildcat Felis silvestris French: Chat sauvage / German: Wildkatze / Spanish: Gato montes ...
5. Leopard Panthera pardus French: Léopard / German: Leopard / Spanish: Leopardo [. Taxono...
1. Aardwolf Proteles cristata French: Protele / German: Erdwolf / Spanish: Proteles Taxonomy. V...
25. Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus French: Guépard / German: Gepard / Spanish: Guepardo Taxonomy....
In contrast to the Eastern Palaearctic region a high degree of cryptic diversity was discovered amon...
6. Lion Panthera leo French: Lion / German: Lowe / Spanish: Leon Taxonomy. Felis leo Linnae...
4. Ethiopian Wolf Canis simensis French: Loup d'Abyssinie / German: Athiopien-Wolf / Spanish: Lob...
4. Tiger Panthera tigris French: Tigre / German: Tiger / Spanish: Tigre Other common names:...
16. Eurasian Wild Pig Sus scrofa French: Sanglier d’'Eurasie / German: Wildschwein / Spanish: ...
6. Lar Gibbon Hylobates lar French: Gibbon lar / German: \WeiRhandgibbon / Spanish: Gibén de m...
83. Guereza Colobus guereza French: Colobe guéréza / German: Guereza / Spanish: Colobo guereza...
Mixophyes australis sp. nov. Southern Stuttering Frog (Figs 6, 8, 12) Holotype. AMS R.188750 (A...
Several aspects of variation within the genus Lolium, and more in detail within Lolium perenne (pere...