Data and code for Céréghino et al: "Constraints on the functional trait space of aquatic invertebrates in bromeliads
This file gives the list of species measured in a study of sapling in successional tropical dry fore...
There are data and R-codes for "Vessel dimorphism and wood traits in lianas and trees among three co...
Title: Ecosystem size and complexity as extrinsic drivers of food chain length in branching ecosyste...
1. Functional traits are commonly used in predictive models that link environmental drivers and comm...
Code and data to synthesize the influences of invading species traits (trophic position and body siz...
<p>Description and codes of ground beetle functional traits used in this study.</p
This contains code and data to reproduce the analyses from > Dallas, T. et al. 2018. "Contrasting la...
(a) Unoccupied bromeliads in three-dimensional trait space, where the dimensions are bromeliad tank ...
Data and code related to 'Trait-based food web model reveals the underlying mechanisms of biodiversi...
Code to reproduce the main results from: McFadden et al. Global plant-frugivore trait matching is sh...
Code for: Disentangling the Relative Strength of Niche Competition from Grazing-Induced Phytoplankto...
Zip file including raw trait, environmental, and community data, code for conducting analyses, and a...
This file gives the list of species measured in a study of sapling in successional tropical dry fore...
There are data and R-codes for "Vessel dimorphism and wood traits in lianas and trees among three co...
Title: Ecosystem size and complexity as extrinsic drivers of food chain length in branching ecosyste...
1. Functional traits are commonly used in predictive models that link environmental drivers and comm...
Code and data to synthesize the influences of invading species traits (trophic position and body siz...
<p>Description and codes of ground beetle functional traits used in this study.</p
This contains code and data to reproduce the analyses from > Dallas, T. et al. 2018. "Contrasting la...
(a) Unoccupied bromeliads in three-dimensional trait space, where the dimensions are bromeliad tank ...
Data and code related to 'Trait-based food web model reveals the underlying mechanisms of biodiversi...
Code to reproduce the main results from: McFadden et al. Global plant-frugivore trait matching is sh...
Code for: Disentangling the Relative Strength of Niche Competition from Grazing-Induced Phytoplankto...
Zip file including raw trait, environmental, and community data, code for conducting analyses, and a...
This file gives the list of species measured in a study of sapling in successional tropical dry fore...
There are data and R-codes for "Vessel dimorphism and wood traits in lianas and trees among three co...
Title: Ecosystem size and complexity as extrinsic drivers of food chain length in branching ecosyste...