Leucopis palliditarsis Rondani, 1875 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1875a: 262 (key), 266 (description). TYPE LOCALITY: “ in collibus parmensibus [Parmese hills (Italy)]”. TYPE MATERIAL: 1 ♀, lectotype (dissected) (MZUF: Box 35): Leucopis Mgn / palliditarsis Rondani / 1817 / Holotypus Leucopis (Leucopis) palliditarsis Rondani, det. G. Morge, Ex. 14 / Lectotypus ♀ Leucopomyia palliditarsis (Rondani, 1874), A. Raspi det. CURRENT STATUS: valid species (Tanasijtshuk 1984: 228, Nartshuk et al. 1995: 7, Raspi & Benelli 2016: 209). REMARKS: Rondani (1875a: 266) described Leucopis palliditarsis without specifying either the number or the sex of the specimens. Günter Morge labeled the specimen in the MZUF as the holotype but, as fa...