This is analysis code package for miniscope videos, please contact ThinkerTech Nanjing BioScience Inc. if you cite this in your work
Code for miniscope data analysis in Kang & Liu et al., Cell Rep., 2022, "A central alarm system that...
Code archive for Gao et al Nature Genetics 2023. Includes custom analysis scripts (.R format) and Ju...
This zip file contains the code and data set used to conduct the analysis in the manuscript. Data in...
<p>Code used in the analysis of the publication titled "MinION Analysis and Reference Consortium: Ph...
Version 0.6.1 of microViz, an R package for microbiome data analysis and visualization. https://davi...
This zip file has all files used to categorize bouts, half beats, sequences and eye states
This file is based on Rmarkdown and contains the statistical analysis and visualization code of the ...
This .zip file contains the source code necessary to replicate the key aspects of the analysis prese...
Schnitzcells is a MATLAB analysis package that enables quantitative analysis of fluorescence time-la...
Source code of the bmiptools python library and its documentation. GitLab: https://gitlab.mpikg.mpg...
Code archive for Gao et al Nature Genetics 2023. Includes custom analysis scripts (.R format) and Ju...
MATLAB code for calculating various morphology measures for individual cells in microscopy images
PoMiDAQ is a recording software for UCLA Miniscopes for neuroscientific research. It provides an eas...
The science analysis of the data from JEM–X on INTEGRAL is performed through a number of levels inc...
Minor changes with code refactoringIf you use this software, please cite it as below
Code for miniscope data analysis in Kang & Liu et al., Cell Rep., 2022, "A central alarm system that...
Code archive for Gao et al Nature Genetics 2023. Includes custom analysis scripts (.R format) and Ju...
This zip file contains the code and data set used to conduct the analysis in the manuscript. Data in...
<p>Code used in the analysis of the publication titled "MinION Analysis and Reference Consortium: Ph...
Version 0.6.1 of microViz, an R package for microbiome data analysis and visualization. https://davi...
This zip file has all files used to categorize bouts, half beats, sequences and eye states
This file is based on Rmarkdown and contains the statistical analysis and visualization code of the ...
This .zip file contains the source code necessary to replicate the key aspects of the analysis prese...
Schnitzcells is a MATLAB analysis package that enables quantitative analysis of fluorescence time-la...
Source code of the bmiptools python library and its documentation. GitLab: https://gitlab.mpikg.mpg...
Code archive for Gao et al Nature Genetics 2023. Includes custom analysis scripts (.R format) and Ju...
MATLAB code for calculating various morphology measures for individual cells in microscopy images
PoMiDAQ is a recording software for UCLA Miniscopes for neuroscientific research. It provides an eas...
The science analysis of the data from JEM–X on INTEGRAL is performed through a number of levels inc...
Minor changes with code refactoringIf you use this software, please cite it as below
Code for miniscope data analysis in Kang & Liu et al., Cell Rep., 2022, "A central alarm system that...
Code archive for Gao et al Nature Genetics 2023. Includes custom analysis scripts (.R format) and Ju...
This zip file contains the code and data set used to conduct the analysis in the manuscript. Data in...