FIGURE 8 -— Right prearticular NMMNH P~10l 3 ~ 1, top, buccal surface; bottom, lingual surface. Bar scale - 10 cmPublished as part of Gillette D.D., Wolberg D.L. & Hunt A.P., 1986, Tyrannosaurus rex from the McRae Formation (Lancian, Upper Cretaceous), Elephant Butte Resevoir, Sierra County, New Mexico, pp. 235-238 in New Mexico Geological Society, 37th Annual Fall Field Conference, Truth or Consequences Region, New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook on page 237, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.346658
FIGURE 8. Examples of the pedal phalanx III-2 of adult Tyrannosaurus rex (FMNH PR 2081) from the Hel...
FIGURE 4. Examples of an adult Tyrannosaurus rex dentaries from the Hell Creek Formation Upper Creta...
Figure 13, below. Postcrania of Littleton specimen of Tyrannosaurus rex (DMNH 2827). A, scapulo-cora...
FIGURE 8 -—Right prearticular NMMNH P~10l 3 ~ 1, top, buccal surface; bottom, lingual surface. Bar s...
FIGURE 1—Left dentary of Tyrannosaurus rex (NMMNH P- 1013- 1): top, buccal (outer) side; bottom, lin...
FIGURE 9 —Isolated chevron NMMNH P - 10 1 3. l Bar scale = 10 cm.Published as part of Gillette D.D.,...
FIGURE 3 —Detail of anterior extremity of buccal surface of left dentary NMMNH P- 1013 - 1 Bar scale...
FIGURE 2—Detail of anterior extremity of lingual surface of left dentary NMMNH P- 1013-1. including ...
FIGURE 4 —lsolated lower teeth associated with left dentary NMMNH P-lol 3 - I; top, buceal sides; bo...
FIGURE 7—Isolated tooth associated with left dentary NMMNH P ~lOl3~l, from either right dentary or l...
Gillette D.D., Wolberg D.L., Hunt A.P. (1986): Tyrannosaurus rex from the McRae Formation (Lancian, ...
FIGURE 5 —C1 oseup of anterobuccal edge of largest isolated tooth in Fig. 4. illustrating serrations...
FIGURE 6—-Dorsal view of anterior extremity of left dentary NMMNH P ~ 1013~ l, 311161101 anterior' [...
FIGURE 8. Daspletosaurus sp. nov. (NMMNH P- 25049) collected from the Farrníngton Member of the Kirk...
FIGURE 8. Dinosaur bones from the Fruitland and Kirtland Formations. A, Chevron of indeterminate had...
FIGURE 8. Examples of the pedal phalanx III-2 of adult Tyrannosaurus rex (FMNH PR 2081) from the Hel...
FIGURE 4. Examples of an adult Tyrannosaurus rex dentaries from the Hell Creek Formation Upper Creta...
Figure 13, below. Postcrania of Littleton specimen of Tyrannosaurus rex (DMNH 2827). A, scapulo-cora...
FIGURE 8 -—Right prearticular NMMNH P~10l 3 ~ 1, top, buccal surface; bottom, lingual surface. Bar s...
FIGURE 1—Left dentary of Tyrannosaurus rex (NMMNH P- 1013- 1): top, buccal (outer) side; bottom, lin...
FIGURE 9 —Isolated chevron NMMNH P - 10 1 3. l Bar scale = 10 cm.Published as part of Gillette D.D.,...
FIGURE 3 —Detail of anterior extremity of buccal surface of left dentary NMMNH P- 1013 - 1 Bar scale...
FIGURE 2—Detail of anterior extremity of lingual surface of left dentary NMMNH P- 1013-1. including ...
FIGURE 4 —lsolated lower teeth associated with left dentary NMMNH P-lol 3 - I; top, buceal sides; bo...
FIGURE 7—Isolated tooth associated with left dentary NMMNH P ~lOl3~l, from either right dentary or l...
Gillette D.D., Wolberg D.L., Hunt A.P. (1986): Tyrannosaurus rex from the McRae Formation (Lancian, ...
FIGURE 5 —C1 oseup of anterobuccal edge of largest isolated tooth in Fig. 4. illustrating serrations...
FIGURE 6—-Dorsal view of anterior extremity of left dentary NMMNH P ~ 1013~ l, 311161101 anterior' [...
FIGURE 8. Daspletosaurus sp. nov. (NMMNH P- 25049) collected from the Farrníngton Member of the Kirk...
FIGURE 8. Dinosaur bones from the Fruitland and Kirtland Formations. A, Chevron of indeterminate had...
FIGURE 8. Examples of the pedal phalanx III-2 of adult Tyrannosaurus rex (FMNH PR 2081) from the Hel...
FIGURE 4. Examples of an adult Tyrannosaurus rex dentaries from the Hell Creek Formation Upper Creta...
Figure 13, below. Postcrania of Littleton specimen of Tyrannosaurus rex (DMNH 2827). A, scapulo-cora...